Arrived-At Gravesend, 9th March. Edward Hilton, Pollock, front Bengal. In the Downs. 8th, Belvidere, —; and Bolivar —, from Bengal; 9:h, Olympus White. from Madras; Marc. Kemp. from Bombay ; and Pauline Houghton, Tate, from Mau- ritius. Off Scilly. 7th, Adelaide, VVhirlon, from Mauritius. At Bristol, 8th, Reliance. —, from Mauritius. At Liverpool. 8th. Mary Somerville, Lancaster, from Bengal'; 9th. Phoenix. Shaw, from Bombay; and Theodosia. Cushiug, from Bengal ; and 10th. Madonna, Miller, from Bombay. At the Cape. previous to 11th Jan. John Fleming, Rose; Birman, Cleland; Royal George, Richard Richards; Lord Eldon, Worsen; Lady Margaret, Budge; Rookery, Bourne; Janet 'gat, Goldsmith; and Levant Packet, Steel, from London ; Champion. Steele, from Cowes; Timandm, Skinner, from Ply- month; Phantom, Miller, from Falmeuth ; Nabob, Miller; Reliance, Hall; Martha Jane, Thom; and Pilot, Bunting, from Liverpool; Cecilia. Reed, from Leith; and Letitia, Medcalf.; from Newcastle. At Mauritius, 19th November, Minerva, Fur- long, from Bristol; 25th, S. Crisp, Orfeur, from London. December the 14th, Nautilus, Thomas; and Agrippina. Rodgers, from ditto. At Bombay, previous to the tat Feb. Queen Victoria, Black ; W. Pine, M'Douald, Christiana, Simp- son; Devonport. Broadroot ; Colchester, Withers; and Lady Lilford, Scott, front Liverpool; Wave, M•Fee ; Glasgow, Hildrith ; and Agneda, Jeffery. from Clyde. At Madras. 26th Dec. Majestic, —, from Shields; 5th Jan. Iris, —, from Liverpool ; 7th, Orpheus, Digby, from London; and 17th, Leguan, —, from Clyde. At Bengal, previous to 20th Jan. Robert Small, Scott; and Windsor, Nesbitt, from London; Amazon, Holmes; Earl Grey, Bell; and Prince of Waterloo. Williamson, from Liverpool; Argora„ Leitch; and Thomas Arbuthnot, Brown, from Clyde. At Singapore, 5th Dec. Lady Howden, M'Eachern, front Clyde; 6th, Forfarshire, M•Carthy, from London ; 8th. K. Stewart Forbes, Hobbs, from ditto ; and 12th. Mar- 113i013, Jenard, from Liverpool. Al China, 5th Dec. Royal Exchange, Rees, from London.
Sailed-From Gravesend, 3d March. Providence, Williams, for Bombay ; 5th. Memnon. Powell, for ditto; 6th, Fvrt William, Hogg, for ditto; and 9th, Anna Ro- bertson, Hamilton, for Madras. From Leith, 5th, Monarch, Robertson, for Bombay. SATURDAY MORNING. Arrived-Off Margate, Brooke, Wilson, from Bengal.