Tuesday, March 8.
Lewis and Co. Hackney. dress- makers-Ensoll and Dyer, Shoreditch, cheese- mongers-Cripps and Taylor. Leicester. drapers-J. and W. George, Bourton, Dorset- shire. tanners-Edwards and Smith, Whitchurch, Shmpshire, gas-manufacturers-J. and 'I'. Lea, hliddlewich. Cheshire, drapers-Dewsnap and Co. Sheffield, Britannia- metal-manufacturers -Thring and Channel], Sontliamp.on, wine-merchants-Walker and CIL Bury, Laucaihire. machine-makers ; as far as regards R. Walker senior- Wood and Budd. Cornwall Road, pocket-book-manufacturers- Cubbin aud Batchelder. Liverpool, watch case-makers - Cross and Co. Tottington Higher End. Laueashire, engravers to calico-printers; as far as regards Evans-T. and J. Edwards. St. Mary's, Scilly, ship-builders-Bruce and Herrington. Leeds, woollen manufacturers -Mark- ham and Stevens, Chester Street. Grosvenor Estee, post-masters-Simeo and Douglas, Northampton, soda-water- manufacturers - Walker and Butler. Preston, builders- Whyte and Morton. Liverpool, commission-merchants-Clegg aud Hughes. Cheetham Hill, Lancashire, governesses-Jameson and Coates. Manchester, manufacturers- Fewster aud Jefferson. Kiugston-upon-Hull, paint-manufacturers-Wells and Brad- shaw, Sheffield, manufacturers of joiners' tools-Horwood and Grant, Kensington Gravel Pits, omnibus proprietors-Jefferson and Turner, Carlisle, wine-merchants- Cumpstcn and Leighton, Little Lant Street, Borough. hat-manufacturers-C. and J. Bennett, Cheltenham, linendrapers-M. A. and B. Blokesley, Friday Street. box- makers - Clark and Bury. Farnham, surgeons-Tare and Stephenson. Liverpool. grocers-C. and G. Burgess, Bungay Trinity. Suffolk, paper makers -Fairbridge and Doughty, Middlesborough, Yorkshire, dairymen-Hardstaff and Frost, Camden Town. grocers-Andrew and Co. Cornpsthall, Cheshire, cotton-spinuers; as far as regards Bruckshaw-Willett and Bonuett, Water Street, Arundel Street, carvers.
BinmEAD, DAVID, Bread Street, warehouseman, March 8,
ALEXANDER. James, Newcastle.upon-Tyue, dealer, to surrender April 4, 19; soli- citor, Mr. Hark, Newcastle-upon.Tyne. CramrsLE, JOSEPH, Bury. Lancashire.draper, March 24. April 19: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. T. A. and J. Grundy, Bury.
CHARNOCK, WILLIAM, Wandsworth Road, plumber. March 22. April 19: solicitor, Mr. Bebb, Argydl Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lune. GALES. THOMAS and Co. Hylton. Durham. ship builders. March 16. April 19: soli citrus. Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; and Mr. Wilson, Sunderland. HAYES, ELIZA, Pickett Street, picture dealer. March 22. April 19; solicitors, Messrs. Temple and Homier, Furnival's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. HOLMES. WILLIAM, Friday Street, silk gauze-manufacturer. March 18. April 19: so- licitors, Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury. LARARUS, SAMUEL LEWIS, Jermyn Street, coach-proprietor, March 17, April 19: so- licitor. Mr. Gilbert. Craven Street ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore.13asinghall Street. LEACH. ANN and Co. Brick Lane. Spitalfields. builders, March 18. April 19: solici- tors. Messrs. Dickson and Overbury, Frederick's Place; official assignee, Mr. Lacking. ton, Coleman Street Buildings. LOXHAM. RICHARD, Wigan, printer, March 24. April 19: solicitors. Mr. Armstrong, Stapld Inn; and Messrs. Lord and Ackerley, Wigan. MULLINGER, EDWARD. Southampton. ironmonger, March 26, April 19: solicitors, Mr. Chaplin, Gray's inn; and Messrs. Stubbs and Rollings. Birmingham. ROBERTSON, Gismos. and Co. Liverpool. ship-chandlers, March 19, April 19: solici- tors, Duncan and Radcliffe. Liverpool; and Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. SreenEresow, THOMAS, Manchester, coach-maker, March 24. April 19: solicitors, Willoughby and Jarmet, Clifford's Inn; and Cooper and Wray. Manchester. THOAIPSON, Giroeoe ANNESLEY and BErisAmne James. Wylam, Northumberland, iron- masters. March 31, April 19: solicitors. Messrs. Meggis u and Co. King's Road, Bed- ford Row ; and Messrs. Brockett and Philipson, Newcastle.upon-Tyue. THOMAS, JOHN. Ramsgate, butcher, March 21, April 19: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson. Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Mercer and Edwards, Ramsgate. WALKER. WILLIAM, and GRAY, JAMES. Leeds, woolstaplers. March 22, April 19: soli- citors, Mr. Wilson, Southampton Street, Bkomsbury Square; and Payne and Co. Leeds.
March 30, Coe, Goldsmith Street, Cheapside. laceman-Marcli 30, Marshall. High Holborn, tallow-melter-May 3. Buckle. Barnard Caslet, draper-March 31, Jervis, Wells, Somersetshire. draper- March 29, Chancellor junior, Margate, baker-April 1, Fletcher. Grantham, wine-merchant-April 18, Lee. Portsmouth, banker-April 1, Plowes. Leeds, merchant-April 15. FL and R. Hildyard, Brigg, Liucolnehire, wine- merchants-April 27. Shingler and James. Liverpool, linendrapers -April 22, T. and B. Brown, Wakefield, linendrapers -April 22. J. J., and H. Buckley, Manchester. cotton-manufacturers-April 26. Walker and Peel, Manchester, Scotch and Manches- ter warehousemen-April 25. Coleman. Manchester, mercer-April 1. Fraley and Merchant, Bristol, linendrapers-March 31, Haigh, Morley, Yorkshire, merchant- March 30. Reynolds, Liverpool, druggist - March 29, Andrews. Sturmiuster Marshall, Dorsetshire. woolstapler-March 23, Clapham. Friars Goose. Durham. soda-manufac- turer-April I. Bentley and Brown. Manche.ter. merchants-April 11. Hudson. Thanet, victualler-April 12, Morris, Birmingham, victualler-March 19, Bridge- water, Birmingham, victualler-April 25. Nicholl, Halifax, worsted-spinner.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before March 29. Bemrose. Spalding. grocer-Fletcher. Grantham, wine-merchant-Copplestone, Plymouth, grocer-Shepherd and Drew. Soutnampton, innkeepers-Coleman, Liver- pool. stockbroker.
SCOTCH SEQUESTBATIONs. ANIPAND, Jour Burghead, grain-dealer. March 14. April 4. GestmiLL, THOMAS, Greenock, merchant, March 12, April 2. HALDANE. JOHN. Selkirk. innkeeper, March i 6. April b. Mom. Joan, Glasgow. merchant. March 14. April 5. MACPHAIL. Joule, Dingwall. merchant. March 12, April 1. RODOER, James, Dairy, Ayrshire, merchant. March 12. April 2. RIDDELL. Jonm, Paisley, innkeeper, March 11, April 6.
Friday, March. 11.
Howdeu and Ainsley. Leadenhall Street, ship-agents-Williams and Paine, Tich- borne Street woollen drapers-Dunsford and Turner. London, merchants- Cook and and Co. Bread Street. silk-warehousemen - Pritchard and Harvey. Bristol, wine-mer- chants-Askew and Stanstield. Manchester, cotton yarn-doublers-H. and N. Briant. Reading, architects-Glover and Co. Manchester, floor cloth-manufacturers-Soffe and Winckworth. Strand, printsellers-Engelback and Head Thrawl Street, Spitalfields, plumbers-Andrews and Bowen, Bridgnorth, mercers-R. and J. Pickersg,ill. Darling- ton, carriers -J. and W. Jones, Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, working jewellers - Insoll anti Lenny. Lewes, coachmakers-Bailey and Co. Monmouth, bankers; as far
as regards W. Morgan INSOINENTS., DARLINGTON, WILLIAM, Liverpool, wine-merchant, March 11.
SEABROOK, Josue, Staumore, Middlesex, victualler, March 10.
BIRCH, EMILY Arm, Bedford Place, Russell Square, lodging-house-keeper, to sur- render March 18. April 22: solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, 13asinghall Stied. BURY, WILLIAM. Blackburn, corn-dealer, March 24, April 22: solicitors. Messrs. Culvelje and Co. Southampton Buildings; and Messrs. Lodge and Harrises, Preston. COUNTY. JAMES, Cheltenham, oilman, March 29, April 22: solicitors. Messrs. Miller and Carr, Eastcheap. CLARKE, JOHN PERRY, and Lewis, Ossurren, Threadneedle Street, uewspaper-ageuts. March 18. April 22: solicitor, Mr. Clarke, George Street, Mansionhouse; official assignee Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. EMERY, JOSEPH, Wells, Somersetsbire. surgeon, April 6,22: solicitor, Mr. Jay. Ser- geant's Inn. Fleet Street. JACKSON, SAMUEL and THOMAS FREDERICK. Be11110046Oy Street, woolstaplers, March
M, April 22: solicitor, Mr. Watts, Bermondsey Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury.
HART, PHILIP WOODROW, Norwich, coach-manufacturer, March 17, April 22: soli- citors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs, Beckwith and Co. Norwich.
HORNCASTLZ, Joszen, Glamford Briggs, Lincolnshire. seed.merchant, March 21, April '22: solicitors, Messrs. Nicholson and Co. Bedford Row,
PRATT. FREDERICK, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, miller, March 21, April 22: solicitors. Mr. Stevenson. Stoke-upon.Trent; and Mr. Wilson. Furnival's Inn.
Romusom. WILLIAM, Manchester, glass-manufacturer, March 22, April 22: solicitors, Messrs Milne and Co. Temple; Messrs. Slater and Heelis, or Messrs. Bagshaw and Stevenson, Manchester.
SramwAy. GEORGE, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, confectioner, March 24, April 22: solicitors, Mr Smith, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Harding, Stoke-upon-Trent. WHINEY, ISAAC NEwrom and CLEMENT, Brighton, beankrs, March 28, April 22: solicitors, Messrs. Palmer and Co. Bedford Row.
WEBSTER, EDWARD SHIRLEY. Birmingham, draper, March 31, April 22 :solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday S reel
April 2, Pilbeam, Parker Street, Drury Lane, smith-April 2. Munn. Solesbridge, Hertfordshire. paper-manufacturer-April 1, Mitchell. Lime Street, merchant-April 1, Beckett, Bell Yard, Carey Street, locksmith-April 1, Smith, Oxford Street, linen- draper-April 4, Duncan, Oxford Terrace. boarding-housekeeper-April 4, Hemming, Chiswell Street, elastic surgical-iustrument-maker-April 1, Benassu, Lime street, wine-merchant-April 4. Lawrier and Lock, Wood Street, importers of foreign goods- March 24. Morris and Nicholson, Bartou.upon-Humber, bankers-April 4, Harriet, Ormskirk, Lancashire, brewer-April 4, Stephenson and Moss, Nottingham, marble- masons-April 4, Peasuall, Leamington Priors, plumber-April 25, Barlow, Manches- ter, shoe-dealer -April 11, Borten, York, booker-April 2, Heron, ,Manchester, cot. ion-spinner-April 11, M'Lachlan. Liverpool, victualler-April 4, J. Stephenson and 3. Moss, Nottingham, marble-masons.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 1.
3. and G. Lang, Eastcheap, cork-manufacturers -Beeston, Manchester, ccach-
builder-Griffin. Dudley. upholsterer-Book. Leeds, machine-maker -Petelt, Ather- stone, wine-merchant-Herrin. Liverpool, merchant-Goode, Birmingham, aholesale- grocer-A. and A. Spoor, Newcastle upon Tyne. builders-Jackson. Mouutsorrel, money-scrivener.
SCOTCH sEatreersArrows.
BLACK. Jona., Glasgow. manufacturer, March 17, April 7. Diem. James. Glasgow, mason, March 17. April 7. GILKISON, ALEXANDER GRANT, and BROWN. HOOK. Glasgow, rivrchauts, March 16,
April 13. ' •
HILL, GEORGE. Edinburgh, wine-merchant, March 18, April 13. M'Amemz, WILLIAM. and ROBERTSON, Devi D, Glasgow, merchants; March 18. Apri18.