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THE Court has returned to London. The Queen and Prince Albert arrived at Buckingham Palace, from Brighton, at about two o'clock on Tuesday, in an open landau and four, escorted by a party of cavalry : the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal followed in the next carriage ; and the suite occupied two more carriages. The Queen and
Prince, and the Royal infants, have taken carriage exercise daily since their return. The Brighton Gazette says that it is the intention to re- visit the watering-place in the summer ; and that alterations for the occasion have been ordered by the Queen in the " Palace," as it now seems to be called.
The Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Thursday. Baron De Nieumann had an audience ; and so had the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and a deputation of gentlemen, to ascertain when the Queen would receive addresses from the City and her Commissioners of Lieute- nancy. Today, at two o'clock, was the time fixed. The Queen held a Court and Privy Council yesterday. Baron De Hugel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Wirtemberg, had an audience of the Queen. Some alteration was made in the roll of Sheriffs; and the Queen gave audiences to Lord Wharncliffe, the Earl of Jersey, Sir James Graham, and the Duke of Buccleuch.
The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Queen Dowager on Wed- nesday. On the same evening, the Queen went to Covent Garden Theatre ; and Prince Albert went to the British Institution in the morning and to the Ancient Concerts in the evening. On Thursday, his Royal Highness visited the Dutchess of Cambridge. The Queen and Prince went to Drury Lane Theatre last night. The Dutchess of Sent arrived at Clarence House, St. James's, from Brighton, on Monday. The Dutchess of Cambridge and Princess Augusta of Cambridge re- turned to town on Monday, from a visit to Badminton, the Duke of Beanfort's seat.
The Duke of Cambridge visited Hanwell Lunatic Asylum on Satur- day. He remained there two hours and a half; and after having gone over the whole of the establishment, partook of a cold collation, in the apartments of Dr. Conolly. He expressed himself much gratified with the plan upon which the patients are treated, without restraint. His Royal Highness dined with the Catch Club, at the Thatched House Tavern, on Tuesday ; and on Wednesday, he gave a dinner to his brother Directors of the Ancient Concerts ; accompanying them to the entertainment in the evening.
The Queen does not countenance the tenets of Professor Malthus; for her Majesty has just sent 5/. to the family of Mr. Wibor, whose wife had three children at a birth, with the prospect of rearing them.
The Queen Dowager keeps up her practice of munificence: the Girls School of Industry at Croydon has received 10!.; the Infant School at Ripon, 20!.; the National School at Market Weighton, 101.; the Watermen and Lightermen's Almshouses on Penge Common, 1001.