12 MARCH 1853, Page 20


Tuesday, Marsh 8. FARTHRRSHIPS DISSOLVED.-W. and S. Knight, Devonport, linen-drapers-Bur- bery and lierridew, Wood Street, Cheapside, riband-manufacturers - Redbrook Tinplate Company, Redbrook, Gloucester, tinplate-manufacturers-Drake and Co. Wakefield. railway-truck-makers-M. and F. Lewis, Gloucester, milliners-Brierley and Sadler, Manchester, glass-dealers-Bellamy and Oldale, Sheffield, German-silver- platers-Barber and Burgess, Macclesfield, tailors-Jones sod Co. Liverpool, hosiers -G. H. and J. Spencer, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, furriers-Wallace and John- son, Long, Lane, Bermondsey, curriers-J. and F. G. Netherclift, Bt. Martin's Lane, lithographers-Davies and Fox, Bread Street, clothiers-Hague and France, Rotherham, painters-Steel and Co. Saville Place, Lambeth Walk, pipe-manu- facturers; as far as regards H. J. Powell-Todd and Co. Manchester, drapers ; as far as regards B.. M•Dougal-Erwood and Co. High Street, Horton Old Town, paper-stainers-T. and R. Rambling. East Dereham, engineers-Norris and Co.-

C. and J. Leer, Westminster Bridge Road, coach-makers-Marshall and Co. New- port, coal-miners ; as far as regards W. Score-Mottram and Co. Sheffield, mer- chants; as far as regards T. Mottram-Clegg, and Co. Stainland, Yorkshire, woollen- manufacturers-Enibleton and Pegg, Manchester, painters-Powell and Co. Lisson Grove, Marylebone, linen-drapers-Reynolds and Turner, Manchester, cotton-waste- dealers-Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard, attornies -Pontifex, and Mallory, Upper St. Martin's Lane, coppersmiths-Ayland and Halsall, Manchester, candlewick- manufacturers and brewers-Rodgers and Sons, Sheffield, manufacturers of cutlery; as far as regards W. Rodgers.

Bauman-rm. SCPERSEDED.-TALEB Born-AL, late of Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields, and Mogador and Ribat, merchant. BAgraurTs.-Monars HARRIS, Regent Street, furrier, to surrender March 12, April 23: solicitors, Sole and Co.Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jong M•LsentAx, Spite' Square, auctioneer, March 12, April 23: soli- citors, Benitez', Northampton Square; official assignee, Nicholson, Basingball Street -WiLmax and Jong WEST, Donnington, linen-drapers, March 21, April 19: soli- citors, Heather and Moger, Paternoster Row ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jong WELLS, Bold Place, Marlborough Road, Queen's Road, Dalston, builder, March 16, April 20: solicitor, Ashley, Charles Square, Horton ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Josern Srszr.s, Queen's Buildings, Knights- bridge, cheesemonger, March 22, April 19: solicitors, Sturmy and Co. Philpot Lane ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-RICHARD Winm, Birmingham, cut-nail- manufacturer, March 19, April 9: solicitor, Standbridge. Birmingham; official as- signee, Bittleston, Birmingham-ALPRED Pterrs, Sheffield. tailor, March 19, April 30: solicitor, Chambers, Sheffield ; official assignee, Freeman, Sheffield-ROBERT CARS, Holyhead, victualler, March 14, April 11: solicitor, Yates jun. Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Huon HMMY Ross, Liverpool, draper, March 18, April 14: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.

DIVIDMMS.-April 1, Loader, Pavement, Finsbury, upholsterer-April 1, Noble, Charles Street, St. Geome 'a-in-the-East, stay-manufacturer-April 1, Pretty, Lei- cester, grocer-April 1, Thompson, Belper, draper-March 30, Wilson and Woodfin, Hull, iron-founders-March 30, Barrett, Horncastle, engineer. CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted, unle.ss cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tneeting.-March 31, Peckitt, Brighton, brick-maker-March 30, Tatejun. Uxbridge, miller- March 31, Speed sen. Liverpool, butcher-April 1, Dowling, Leicester, grocer.

DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Thompson, Piccadilly, linen-draper ; sec. div. of 24. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Heathwaite, New Street, Covent Garden, cheesemonger ; first div. of Ils. Id. any Monday ; Carman, Aldermanbury-Sandle, North Ockendon, Essex, cattle-dealer; first div. of 3s. any Monday ; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Adams, Bow, engineer; second div. of 34d. on the separate estate, any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Rufford and Co. Stourbridge, bankers ; second div. of 5d. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham- Smith and Irvine, Liverpool, merchants; first div. of 6d. any Monday; Bird, Liver- pool-Ford and Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, paper-manufacturer; first div. of 61d. anCrcuesday; Lee, Manchester-Armstrong, Manchester, tailor ; first div. of 3s.

I d. any Tuesday ; Lee, Manchester.

H SzcomeniArlogs.-Gray, Portobello, Edinburgh, grocer, March 11, April 31-Anderson, Glasgow, painter, March 12, April 5-Kiniburgh, Kirkintilloch, ma- nufacturer, March 12, April 7.

Friday, March 11. PAIrricEastrree DisaotvED.-Milburn and Shaw. Darlington, woolstaplers-Hey- wood and liorsfield, Cheetham, joiners-Palmer and Webb, Stockwell, dealers in Price's camiles-Bradshaw and Higginson, Little Bolton, timber-merchants-Cut- bush and Co. Maidstone, newspaper-proprietors ; as far as regards G. Whiting- Lidbetter and Newnham, Tunbridge Wells,:brewers-Lidbetter and Co. Tunbridge Wells, brewers-Brooks and Co. Manchester, money-lenders -T. and F. Brown, Cheapside, hosiers-Wilson and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards T. Chippindall-Hobson, Brothers, Finsbury Place South, tailors-Irwin and Chester, Manchester, architects-Warburton and Co. Leeds, Berlin-wool-spinners-Wedlake and Thompson, Honichurch, Essex, iron-founders-Howorth and Co. Newchurch, Manchester, woollen-manufacturers; as far as regards T. Crabtree-Abbott and Humphries, Goswell Street, tailors-Cotterell, Brothers. London, paper-stainers- Dalrymple and Neill. Sheffield, drapers-Lowther and Son, Red Lion Street, Clerk- enwell, clock-case-manufacturers-Blyth and Co. London, commission-merchants; as far as regards B. S. Houghton-Romero and Co. Liverpool, ship-chandlers; as far as regards .7. Romero-E. and R. Arrowsmith, Burnley, tailors -Petty and 6o. Manchester, engravers -APLannachan and Baird, Sheffield, drapers-Barber and Co. Huddersfield, cloth-merchants ; as far as regards J. C. Paton-F. and J. Harker, Bacup, drapers-Gardiner and Brother, Manchester, merchants-Suter and Fenton, Birmingham, electro-plate-manufacturers-E. and H. Gregory, Gravesend, drapers .Renfrew and Brown, Glasgow, wadding-manufacturers.

BANKRUPTCY AISNrLLED.-JAMES BriTramoz,Watlington, Oxfordshire, tea-dealer.

-BAIPHRITPTS.-JAmes BISHOP HOUNSHAX, Hornsey, schoolmaster, to surrender March 24, April 21: solicitor, Nies, Copthall Buildings; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-HENRY Palos, Edwards Place, Hackney Road, and HENRY ATKINSON, Wood Street, Manchester, warehousemen, March 23, April 22: solicitor, Mason, Ironmonger Lane ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hrgna SIXXONDS, Ore, Sussex. brick-maker, March 23, April 20: solicitors, Hill and Mat- thews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street - HENRY SoLomog, Holborn Hill, broker, March 18, April 22: solicitor, Jones, Qua- lity Court ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-NATnarnaL Biezrer GIBBS, Connaught Terrace, chemist, March 19, April 22: solicitor, Randall, Welbeck Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingball Street-Josue Purnma, Britten Street, Chel- sea, brewer, March 22, April 25: solicitors, Lavrrance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-ROBERT BARTER, Wisbech St. Peter, currier, March 22, April 25 : solicitors, Abbott and Co. New Inn ; Wat- son; Wisbech ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street- ARTHITR HAMMOND JENKINS and EDWARD JOHN WOODHOUSE, Gloucester, wine- merchants, March 23, April 20: solicitors, Lovegrove, Gloucester ; Abbot and Lucas. Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-CHARLES FRANCIS HEwri-r, Plymouth, hatcher, March 24, April 21 : solicitor, Elworthy, Exeter ; official assignee, Heine- man, Exeter-JANE Wailers, Halifax, linen-draper, April 7, 29: solicitors, Wavell and Co. Halifal ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds- THomis WILLIAX BAKER, Walton-on-the-Hill, Lancashire, tobacconist, March 22, April 12: solicitor, Griffiths, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool- JAxEs Buaorzs, Over Tabley, Cheshire, contractor, April 7, 28: solicitors, Taylor, Manchester ; Hartley, Coins; official assignee, Lee, Manchester-Jong JOSEXII Sierra, Stockton-upon-Tees, shipowner, March 18, April 22: solicitor, Fenwick, North Shields; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

DIVIDENDS.-April 2, Bickford, Brighton, silversmith-April 2, Wootton sen. and jun., Margate, grocers-April 2, Meyer, Throgmorton Street, merchant-April 2, Barton, Sutton Valence, Kent, brewer-April 4, Fenwick, Tynemoutb, banker- April 8, Jobling, Bywell St. Peter, Northumberland, smelter of lead ore-April 1, Briddon, Liverpool, chemist-April 6, Blumenthal', Birmingham, wine-merchant- April 13, Wray, Hull, draper-April 13, Ashton, Hull, woollen-draper.

CrwrinestEs.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of =cc:ling.-April 1, Crickmay, Portsmouth, gun-manufacturer-April 2, Janes, Worthing, linen-draper-April 5, Parker, Cheapside, stationer-April 4, Harrison, Sunderland, linen-draper-April 6, Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn-factor--April 6, Reid, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brewer-April 4, Williams, Liverpool, block-manu- facturer-April 12, Veale, Ashwater, Devonshire, miller-April 5, Andrews, Wol- verhampton, ironmonger.