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The present week has hitherto been barren of events, but tonight (Saturday) Miss AmySedsewielr will take her betefit at the Haymarket, and a new piece, entitled The World and the'Staye, has been announced for the occasion. On Monday, another new pieoe, called Milliner to the Xing, is to he produced at the same house, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews as the principal characters.
Henry V., the last of the grand "revivals," during Mr. Charles Kean's management of the Princess's Theatre, is already in an active state of preparation, and if rumour is correct, will surpass all works in the variety and elaboration of historical detail. The night of production is fixed for the 28th instant, when Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keatt will take their annual benefit, the forineriapreseating King Henry, the latter the "Chorus," who will he attired as the Muse of History.