The advance which took place in the English Funds on. Saturday, owing to the article in the Moniteur, was followed on Monday by a further rise of per cent. Consols having left off 951 95/, were first quoted 961 for both Money and Account ; for April the price was 961. The fluctuations of. the week have exceeded per cent, the final quotation showing a decline on the week of about 1 per cent. The Monthly .Account was settled on Wednesday and Thursday, and passed off without any casualty. Business has not been very extensive, and the markets are chiefly influenced by telegrams of the movements on the Paris Bourse; Rentes occasionally showing severe altera- tions. The highest point in Consols was reached yesterday, when they were done at 964; later III the day a reaction occurred, and they closed 96} buyers only ; this afternoon the market is heavier still, and from opening 961 964, closes 96, the tendency being decidedly downwards. Various ru- mours, true and unfounded, have as usual prevailed during the week ; the rise at the 2ommencement was greatly assisted by the resignation of Prince Napoleon and also the report of that of Count Cavour; however, things have since fallen into a most unsettled condition, and in the character of business doing a marked want of confidence is manifest. New Three per Cents, Reduced and Bank Stock, are shut ; India, 220 223; Exchequer Bills, 85 38; Consols for Money, 954 961; and for the Account 96 buyers. The Government Broker has made his usual daily purchase on behalf of the Sa- ving's Banks of 20,0001. Money has been rather easier in this market 11 2 per cent.
In the Foreign Stock Market a much better tone has existed, and busi- ness is very much better ; the lowness of price at which most stocks ruled, seems at length to have brought in purchasers, and a rise has occurred nearly all round ; in some instances to the extent of 2 and 3 per cent. Turkish Old Six per Cents and the New Six per Cents have both recovered from the late depression, the former is quoted 93 931, and the latter 80 801. Sardinian has risen 3 and the Victor Emmanuel Bonds 2 per cent. Vene- zuela and Mexican are dull at the price, but with these exceptions the im- provement has been general. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 914 921; Ditto Three per Cent, 74 75; Mexican, 20 201; Buenos Ayres, 79 81 ; Ditto Deferred 181 191 ; Venezuela, 43 44 ; Ditto Deferred, 17 171; Bra- zilian, 94 941 ;, Victor Emmanuel, 90 91; Sardinian, 43 44 ; Austrian Scrip has been better, but is now 11 dia. ; Mexican, 20 20}. Money continues in abundance at about 2 to 3 per cent.
A good deal of important business has been transacted in the Railway Share Market, establishing a general rise of from to 2 per cent. Most of the traffic returns again show improvement. Great Western, 571 58; Lon- don and North-Western, 951 951; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 941 951; Mid- land, 1001 101; London and Brighton, 111 113; these all exhibit an ad- vance of 2 percent; Caledonian, 951 95f ; and Berwick, 92 921 ; showing a rise of 11 percent; and in London and South-Western, 93} ; nearly 1} per cent. The improvement in Sheffield is about t per cent. There is not much doing today, and the Market has a tendency to flatness. South- Eastern shares are 211 211.
The French Market is dull and flat (after being considerably firmer,) in consequence of the uncertainty of affairs, Political and financial at Paris.
Strasbourg, 261 27; Paris and Lyons, 321 33*; Northern of France 361
371; Lombardo-Venetian, old shares rose to } kprem., but are now weaker, closing, / prem., the new shares par 1 prom.; Luxembourg, 61 64; Sambre
and Meuse, 617. The Indian Market is very good, the late statements in the House by Lord Stanley tending to impart firmness and induce pur- chases. East India, 105 10,54; Great Indian Peninsula, 1014 102; Madru• 20/. shares, 20 }.
There is scarcely anything doing in any department of the Stock Ex- change this morning. Foreign Stocks and Shares are quoted about I per cent lower. Consols stationary at Wbuyers.