THE ABBE MARTIN AD THE RITUALISTS. (To ma EDITOR OF THE " HPRCTATOR."1 SIR,—In the reply of your reviewer to the Abb6 Martin, published in your issue of last Saturday, it is stated that "time Church of France, by the formal engagement of the Pope, is under the dominion of the Organic Laws ;" and again, that " the Pope even agreed in the Organic Articles " to make various concessions to the State. (The italics are mine.)
I should be greatly indebted to your reviewer if he would tell me where this formal engagement is to be found, and in what way the Pontiff's agreement was signified.
In common with every authoritative writer upon the subject, I had supposed it to be beyond question that Pius VII., so far from accepting the Organic Articles, protested against them in
language which, considering his position and character, may be regarded as vigorous ; that, as M. E. La.boulaye expresses it, Les Articles Orgauique out toujours 6t6 repouss4s par la Cour de Rome comme une fraude imp6riale " (Revue des Deux Mender,
October 13th, 1873); and that such, indeed, is a strictly accurate description of them.
But evidently your reviewer has new light upon the subject. It is much to be hoped that he will not hide it under a bushel, but will let it shine for the benefit of students of modern history.
—I am, Sir, &c., W. S. LILLY. St. George's Club, Saville Row, March 801.