MAGAZINES, ETC.—We have received the following for March :— The
Art Journal, the plate illustrations in which this month are "An Old English Mill," and "The Venetian Fruit-seller." It also con_ tains a very fine fac-simile in rod of a drawing by Sir Noel Paton,— The Magazine of Art, a good number.—Men of Mark, the portraits. this month being those of Lord Chelmsford, John Pottle, R.A., and the Bishop of Bangor.—Part 3 of Pathways of Palestine, with per- manent photographs of Pilate's house in Jerusalem and the Pool of Bethesda.—Part 21 of Longfellow'e Poetical Works, completing the capitally got-up rod beautifully illustrated fine-paper serial edition issued by Messrs. Cassell, Fetter, Galpin, and Co.—Part 2, "Educa- tional," of the Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland, and Ireland, edited by G. P. Bevan (Johnston).—The Antiquary, to which Mr. A. C. Ewald contributes a paper on the "Warming-pan Story" in con- nection with the Pretender.—The Nautical Magazine—The Army and Navy Magazine.—Time, which opens with an interesting paper on. "Our Highland Regiments and their Tartans."—The Gentleman's Magazine.—Temple Bar, to which Mrs. Godfrey contributes the first part of a new story.—The St. James's Magazine.—London Society.— The Theatre.—Part 1 of the enlarged series of the Country Gentle- man's Magazine, which contains seasonable articles on "The Speaker" and "Our County Regiments." In the first chapter of a new story of country life, the preservation of game question is dis- cussed in a manner that will suggest novel ideas to many landlords- -Part 12 of Mr. Black's serial story Sunrise.—The Stalesmait.— No. 3 of the new and enlarged series of Decoration.—Part 71 of Mr. H. Morley's Library of English Literature.—Part 5 of Ward and: Lock's Universal Instructor.—Science Gossip.—Part 14 of the Family Physician.—The Bur/ington,—Tiasley's Magazine, in which a new tale is commenced by Annabel Gray,—Chambers's Journal, owatain- ing a curious account of "spider-showers."--The Christian Monthly..
— Good Words.—All the Year Round.—The Argosy.—The Sunday Magazine.—Tho Leisure Hour.—Cassell's Zilagazino.—Tho Month.— The Squire.—Messrs. Gardner and Co.'s pablications.—Golden Hours.
— Catholic Progress.—The Ladies' Gazette of Fashion.—The North- American Review.—Ham'per's Monthly, which opens with an illus- trated article on Bedford' Park.—The Atlantic Monthly.—The China Review.