It looks very much as if the late Government had
made another unsuspected Secret Treaty with Russia. Mr. Charles Marvin, in his recent book on "Merv," declares that such a Treaty is in existence—signed on May 31st, 1878—and binds the Russian Government never to extend the Russian frontier in Asia Minor. Mr. Errington questioned Sir Charles Dilke about the matter on Thursday, and was told that the" statement ilioted was not correct ;" but that the case concerned the late Government, who "gave the explanations which seemed to them at the time possible." He could" add nothing as to the confidential eommunications between the late Government and the Russian Government, without authority from both parties." That is not a denial, and it may be supposed such an agreement exists,— an interesting fact, when it is remembered how bold and brave the late Government was considered for guaranteeing Asia Minor. The burglar having given his word to leave the house alone, the noble policeman solemnly promised never to leave off watching the door