Prince Bismarck has brought forward his long threatened . plan for
depriving the German Parliament of its right to vote annual Budgets. By a Bill introduced on Tuesday, and sup- ported by all his agents, the elections are made quadrennial, instead of triennial, and the Government may propose Budgets For two years, and abstain from calling Parliament when no Budget is to be voted. It is suggested that Parliament may be called for other purposes, but this is inconsistent with the alleged object of the Bill, which is to relieve the pressure on Members who sit in both the German and the Prussian representative bodies. The effect will undoubtedly be to relieve Prince Bismarck of control, and the Liberals are resisting him with all their energy. The balance of power, however, remains with the Centre, that is, the Catholics, and their leader, Herr Windthorst, announces that he shall support the Bill, as far as Budgets are concerned, though he wishes Parliament to meet for other purposes. That is understood to be an offer to accept the whole measure, if concessions are made about the Falk Laws.