12 MARCH 1898, Page 24


Atherton (G.), Amoy ican Wives and Husbands, or 8vo (Service) 610 Bennett (E. A.), Journalism for Women, 16mo (Lane) 2/6

Bond (04, Goldfle de and Chrysanthemums, ate (Simpkin) Zed

Book of Uncommon Prayers La), Compiled by B. Hodder, or 8vo ...(Virtue) 67" Campbell (11.), Respiratory Exerci-es in the Treatment of Disease (I:taillike) 716

Camperdown (Earl of), Admiral Demean, 8vo (Loogm.ne) 1670 Casseirs Family Lawyer, by a Barrister, siy 8vo (mewl) 10/d Chapman (H. B.), The Religion of the Cross: Scrims 2, Where is

Christ? or 8vo (Sonnenschein) 06 Churchill (W. L. S.), The Story of the Malaksaid Field Force (Longtime's) 7/6 Cobb IT.), Carpet Conrteaip. or 8vo (Lane) 3/8 Cunningham (W.), An Essay on Western Ovilisation (Ancient Times,. cc 8ro (Camb. Univ. Prres) 416 Deele (L.), Three Years in Savage Africk 8yo (Meaner', 2110 De Winton (Major). Soldiering Fifty Yeas Ago, or 8vo (European Mail) 4ll'

Bilks (Sir C. W.) Army Reform. cr 8vo (Service) 2/6

1 Dowse (T. S.), On the Technology of MechanosTberapy, Ac., in Heart

(Simpkin) 2P

IFletcher 1.11‘.11.), Pasqoinado, cc tle (Ward A Lock) Sid l Forbes (J. T.), God's Measure, and other Sermons, cc flo (0apaant) Srs Ferster (H. 0. Arnold.), Amy Letters, 1897-96, or 8vo (Arnold) 3/6 Foster (J. J.), British Miniature Painters, 4to (S Low) 52/6

Frank (A..). A Manuel of Agricultural Botany, cr 8vo (Blackwood) 3/6 Gemmel (J. F.). Idiopathic Ulcerative Colitis (Dysentery), 4M (Bailliere) 12/6

Gordon (CA, Recoil, coons or Thirty-nine Years in the Army (Sonnenschein) 17/0

Graham (W ), Merman, cr 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) 6/0 Ilenty (G. A.), Colonel Thorndyke's Secret. or 8vo (Oluitto & Winclus) 6/0 Hillis (N. D.), Tbe Investment of Influence, or 8vo (Oliphant) 5/0 Enysmans (J. K.), The Cathedral, or 8vo (K. Panl) 6/0 Jennings (J. (3.), From an Indian College, 12mo (K. Paul) 3/6 Kohert (R.), Practical Toxicology, roy 8vo (Bail)iere) 10,6

Idackensle (H. B.), Hector Macrae, or 8vo (Simpkin) 2/0 Macmillan (FL), The Spring of the Day, or 8vo (Isbister) 5/0

Maitland (F. W.), Township and Borough, roy 8vo ......(Camb. Univ. Press) 10/0 Alitford (B.), The Induna's Wife, or Bra (White) 3/6 Nortimer (J.), Samples from the Note-books of an Uncommercial Traveller, 8vo (Simpkin) 3/0

Penn (R.), A Bon of Israel, or 8vo (Macqueen) 6/0

Beene (A.). Torn Sails, Cr Svo (Hutchinson) 6/0 Redd tway (W. F.), The Monroe Doctrine, or 8vo (Camb. Univ. Press) 3/6 Reeves (E.), Brown Men and Women, 8vo (Sonnenschein) 10/6 Itowland (a.), The Burdens of Life, and other Sermons, 8vo...(H. Marshall) 36 Snyder (C. IL), Comic History of Greece, crave (Lippincott) 6/0 Strong (A. A.), Dramatic and Musical Law, Sim (Eos Office) 3/6 Stuart (E I. The Strength of Two, or 8vo (F. V. White) 6A) Wallace ((3.), A Ballad of Charity, and other Poems, cr 8vo (Douglas) 3/6 Wells (C. L.), The Age of Charlemagne (Eras of the Christian Church),

cr 8vo (T. & T. Clark) 6/0 Wyman (W. E. A), 0.inical Dia9./108'S of Lemeness in the Horse ..(Bailliere) 12:6 Zang-will (I.), Dreamers of the Ghetto, cr 8v0 (Heinemann) 6/0