Communists in British Honduras
At the Inter-American Conference in Caracas Mr. DulVi gave the Guatemalan Foreign Minister a masterly wigging 411 only word. for it) on the subject of international Communisrg Senor Toriello stuck his neck out unwisely last week when 11 asked " What is Communism ? " in the course of a speadd, opposing the United States resolution that the nations America should unite as if invaded by an enemy power Communism gained control of any one of them. Nobody the Americas has a more intimate knowledge of Communist: that the rulers of Guatemala, against whom the resolution ; specifically directed. This Communist state marches with tl colony of British Honduras which is to have its first genet, election under a new constitution next month. The Communist dominated People's United Party is by far the stronger ,e; the two political organisations which have appeared in Britic, Honduras; and by all accounts it is likely to capture gy nine of the constituency seats in the new Legislative Cowie' This is exactly what happened in .British Guiana. It may 0,1" lead, however, to a crisis of the same order because tr., constitution of British Honduras gives far less power to eg: elected members than that of British Guiana. Nevertheless., situation in which the legislature and the executive al perpetually at deadlock will not help the colony towards reshot sible self-government within the Commonwealth. Persiste? allegations have been made that the People's United Party financed, and even directed, by the Communists of neighbourb.; Guatemala. The Government's decision to make " an imparl inquiry as soon as possible " is welcome, but is this to be nIalr before or after the elections ? The Colonial Office seems, be in the dark.