N °-t Knowing Much About Art
of The Manchester City Council has been haviMoor a good deal not o clean fun at the expense of Henry e's bronze eere, Draped Torso.' In the course of the discussion of a Art Galleries Committee's proposal to buy the work, ceancillor is reported to have declared that the figure hWaays not exactly a thing of beauty and an alderman to Chr enquired the murder whether. er the torso had come from the home of • Istie. These scintillating examples of civic Wit and hesita good taste show once again that people who would they k to pass arbitrary judgements on other subjects of which 11,2 know little frequently express themselves with the fo`rut:st assurance when it is a question of modern art. The bat Iula is the familiar one: " I don't know much about art, ot the ow what I like." In the case of some members is ce rtatinah ncester de City Council the first half of the sentence illY in o