Tuesday, May 8.
Barnes, Brothers, Liverpool, and W. and H. Barnes and Co. Melbourne, New South Wales, merchants—Ogg sad Howard, Northampton, ironfounders—Douglas and Co. Sunderland, ironfounders ; as far as regards W. Douglas—Wallis and Holman, May- field. surgeons—Leishman, Dollar, Stirling, and E. Price, Uttoxeter, railway-con- tractors—Meldola and Berlandina, Camomile Street, printers—Barlow and Co. Open- shaw, woollen-dyers ; as far as regards W. Barlow—Hutchinson and Stone, Little. Waltham, surgeons—Gaunt and Co. Leek, silk-manufacturers—Whittaker and Milne, Spotland Bridge. Lancashire, dyers—J. and H. G. Thomas, Penwith,Cornwall, drapers —Rattail and Hill. Bolton-le-Moors, tollet-manufacturers—Burdett and Wood, York Terrace, CommercialBoad, Ilnendrapers—Chadwick and Son, Manchester, estate-agents —Copp and Poynter, Exeter, linendrapers—The Ynishir Coal Company. Ystradyfodog, Glamorganshire; as far as regards W. Meredith—Graetzer and Hermann, Huggln Lane, Wood Street, commission-merchants; as far as regards J. A. Hofmann—D. and D. Rose, Moxleyforge, Darlaston, iron-masters—Whitwell and Stevens, Mark Lane, corn-factors—J. W. and C. Dall, Samlisbury, Lancashire, cotton-spineers -Pan and Wooley, Liverpool, painters—Hetherington and Grirnsdale, Uxbridge, brewers—S. Myers and Co. Leeds, maitsters—Shaw and Mines, Scarborough, clothiers—J. and E. Hunter, Barking, laundresses—Jarvis and Marsh, Rotherham, elate-merchants.
WESSON, Jona, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer.
BELL junior, Jona and JAMES, Richmond, Yorkshire, drapers, May 24, June 14 : so- licitors, Messrs. Tilson and Co. Coleman Street ; Mr. Robinson, Richmond; Mr. Coarte- nay, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. Beam WILLIAM, Great Queen Street. Kentish Town, builder, May17, June 19: solici- tor. Mr. Ivimey, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. Ceramics, Enwsan, Greenwich, upholsterer, May 22. June 19: solicitors, Messrs. Mardon and Pritchard, Newgate Street ; official assignee. air. Edwards Old Jewry.
Dacus. Janos, Bromley, Middlesex, builder, May 16, June 21 solicitors, Meson. LInklater, Charlotte Row ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
Dosalz, RICHARD, Charles Street, Soho Square, victualler, May 19, June 9: solld- tor, Mr. tunes, =her Street; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Culla. EAST, ALFRED BALDWIN, Birmingham, scrivener, May 23, June 20 :solicitors, Messrs. Spencer and Ratings, Birmingham ; official as+igTUae, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. Gonna, CHARLES, Altr1ncham, Chester, ironmonger, May 24, June 14: solicitors, Mr. Raw, Furnival's Inn ; Mr. Cunnah. Chester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobeon, Manchester. RIMERS, JAWE5, Gateshead, newspaper.proprietor, May 22, June 14: solicitors. mesas. Mater, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, lir. Baker, Newcaatie-upon-Tyne. EILLICE, JAMES. Dorking, carpenter, May 14, June 25: solicitors, Messrs. Smalipelce, Lincoln's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. MADDOCES junior, THuMAS, Westbury-upon-Severn, cattle-salesman, Stay 22, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Wilkes, Gloucester ; omdal assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. Plitiddra, WIIJ.IA11, Brynmawr, Breconshlre, draper, May 24, June 21 : solicitors, Means. Holme and Co. New Inn ; Messrs. Prideaux and Son, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. TtNDLE, THOMAS, South Shields, banker, May 21, June 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Law- rence and Co. Old Fish Street ; Messrs. Griffith and Crichton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Yens, EDWARD, Leeds, veterinary surgeon, May 21, June 12: solicitors, Messrs. Sndlow and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
May 31, Klmpton, Crescent, Jewin Street, jeweller—May 31, Hemsworth, Primrose Street, Illshopsgate Street. wine-merchant—June 7, Perry, Exeter, cheese-dealer — Jane 7, Menadue, Liakeard, watchmaker—May 31, Davis, Weymouth, wine-merchant —May 31, Warr, Bridport, currier—June 7, Martin, Tavistock, tanner—May 31, Moyle,
Penryn, Ironmonger. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
June 6, Cannon, Prospect Place, Ball's Pond, bricklayer—May 29, Johnson jun. Uxbridge. carrier—May 31, Pithy, Philpot Lane, merchant—May 31, Waterman, Brenchiey, Kent, farmer—May 30, Simmons, Piccadilly, tobacconist—May 30, Raft, Moorgate Street, tailor—May 30, Sneezum, Woodbridge, grocer—May 29, Robinson, Slough, grocer—May 31, Burnell jun. Bitten, Gloucestershire, cattle-dealer—May 31, Brooker, Cheltenham, carver—May 29, Jones, Brecon, maltster—May 29, Adams, Selby, clock-maker—June 12, Cooper, Newcastle-under-Lyme, smallware-dealer.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 29.
Thompson, Leeds, tea-dealer—Ashforth, Birmingham, hardwareman—T. and R. C. Nesbitt, Sunderland, brewers—Spence, Stockton-upon-Tees, timber-merchant—Price, Aberdare Iron-works, Glamorganshire, druggist —Thornley, Ripley, grocer—Wilcock, Bonndsditch, cutler—Crowther, Church Garforth, Yorkshire, draper—Holley, Norton St. Philip, Somersetahire, miller— Frayne, North Molten, draper.
Mann, Hull, wine-merchant ; first div. of 6s. 8d. and final div. of Is. 4d. on any Tuesday ; Mr. Hoi.e, Leeds—Jennings, Horsforth, Yorkshire, corn-miller ; first and Anal dlv. of 9d. on any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds—Cameron, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, confectioner ; second and final dlv. of 2d. In addition to 2a. 9d. previously declared, May 2, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Mime, New Scone, near Perth, wool-spinner, May 14, June 4.
Friday, May 11.
J. and J. Musgrave, Langhton, Lincolnshire, farmers—Barlow and Reed, Liverpool, Watch-makers—Fear and Fletcher, Stockport, joiners—Evans and Wakefurd, Cardiff, newspaper-proprietors—Aural and Tinker, Pontefract, chemists—Colbourn and Co. Bilston, ironmasters ; as far as regards J. and T. Turleys—Vernon and Co. Liverpool, iron-shipbuilders-51111s and Skinner, Brighton, mealmen—Smith and Beaufoy, Bir- mingham, drapers—Elphee and Co. Maidstone, linendrapers—Clay and Brown, West
Derby, Liverpool, plumbers. BANKRUPTS.
.fiLDERTON, Fianna, Manningtree, coach-builder, to surrender May 23, June 22 : soli- citors, /dr. Cocker, Nassau Street ; Mr. Ambrose, Manaingtree ; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld, King's Arms Yard.
BELL, MARTIN BROwN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, victualler, May 23, June 19 soli- citor, Mr. Forster, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle- npon-Tyne.
COBB, NATHANIEL, Colchester, upholsterer, May 17, June 25: solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely Place ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
EDMONDS, HENRY, Charles Street, Westbourne Terrace, dairyman, May 18; June 22: Solicitors, Messrs. Bicknell, Connaught Terrace, Edgeware Road ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street.
Heasmort, JOHN, Hereford, mercer, May 26, June 27: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Sons, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; Mr. Gwillim, Hereand ; Mr. Suckling, Bir- mingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. BERARD, THOMAS, Old Trinity House, Water Lane, merchant, May 2fi, June 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Fenchurch St.; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. JOHNS, CaexiEs, Great Queen Street, fixture-dealer. May 21, June 16: solicitor, Mr. Bodman, Bucklerabary ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers.
JOHNSTON, Tnomes, Manchester, draper, May 25, June 14: solicitors, Messrs. Gre- gory and Co. Bedford Row; Mr. Makinson, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hob- son, Manchester.
MILLER, SYLVANUS, Earaont Bridge, Cumberland, banker, May 24, June 21 : Solici- tors, Messrs. Lawrence and Co. Old Fish Street ; Messrs. Griffith and Crightou, New- castle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Parranean, Carman, Hereford. wine-merchant, May 26, June 27: itoliciters, Mr. Clough,Hereford Mr.'Bloahiska, Birmingham ; °Bldg assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Mr- raingham.
SERGEANT, WILLIAM, Portsmouth, fruiterer, May 21, June 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Marten and Co. Mincing Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. SHOULER, JOHN Berreus, Leicester, draper, May 25, June 29 : solicitors, Messrs. Robinson, Queen Street Place ; Messrs. Whateley, Birmingham ; official e.gignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham.
TERRY, Isaac, Haymarket, watch-manufacturer, May 18, June 22: solicitor, Mr. Cox, Pinners' Hall ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birch)n Lane.
June 8, Bourquin, Northampton Square, watch-maker—June 1, Tate, Regent Street, allversmith—June 1, Haydon, Wandsworth, butcher—June 1, Elton, Whitechapel iron- monger—June 1, Christie and Stewart, Mark Lane, merchants—June 4, Mackey and Holt, St. Helen's Place, merchants—June 4, Bougemont, Broad Street Buildings, mer- chant—June 6, Kingsford and Barnwell, Catherine Court, Tower HILL millers—June 5, Tell and Ronald, Old Jewry Chambers, merchants—June 6, Buchanan, Old Jewry Chambers, merchants—June 8, Mann, Maiden Lane, City, lead-merchant—June 8, Bra- zier, Oxford, tailor—June 8, Price, Belle Sauvage Hotel, Innkeeper—June 7, Parry, Pontypool, draper—June 12, Coates, Sunderland, wine-merchant—June 14, Todd, Whltehaven, ironmonger—June 14, Rowell, Hartlepool, merchant—June 8, Gales, Ford, Durham, ship-builder—June 14, Brown, McGnn, timber-merchant—June 8, Tench, Winlaton, Durham, grocer—June II, Penman, Sunderland, apothecary—June 7, James, Neweastle-upon-Tyne, oIl-merchant—June 14, Wawn, Thrislington, Durham, lime- burner—Jane 5, Faulkner, Manchester, coach-lace-manufacturer—June 6, Barker, Boyton. Lancashire, millwright—June 6, Tattersall, Over Darwen, coal-dealer--June 6, Smith, Ashton under-Lyne, tailor—June 4, Fletcher Jun. Manchester, stuff-merchant —June 13, Tomklnson, Liverpool, stone-mason—June 12, Cheshire, Hartford, Cheshire, salt-manufacturer—June 4, T. and W. Hardwick, Leeds, auctioneers—June 1, Swift, Huddersfield, chemist—Jane 1, Morfitt Jun. Leeds, flax-spinner—June 2, Ibbotson, Shef- field, merchant—June 13, Price, Wolverhampton, printer—June 13, Davis, Redffitch, needle-manufacturer—June 8, Kirk, Leicester, builder—June 13, Thompson, Westbrom- wich, coach-maker. CERTIFICATES
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
June 5, Walker, Newick, Sussex, apothecary—June 5, Wynne, Breatford, grocer— June 6, Floyd, Wendover, cattle-dealer—June 8, Francis, Rayleigh, Essex, innkeeper —June 8, Hill, St. Neot's, plumber—June 6, Cralkshank and Co. AustInfriars, mer- chants—June 8, Nash, Rotherhithe, timber-merchant—June 14, Pearson, Blandford Street, Portman Square, butterman—June 5, Swann and Co. Sandford, Oxfordshire, papermakers—June 1, Bricknell, Cheltenham, coach-proprietor—June 1, Kenward, Moreton-la-Marah, Gloucester, tailor—June 8, Coates, Sunderland, wine-merchant- June 8, Lax, Berry Edge, Durham, grocer—June 13, Keddy, Bridlington, Yorkshire, printer—June 1, Houldsworth, Halifax, worsted-spinner—June 11, Kyrke, Wrexham, Denbighshire, lime-burner—June 7, Green, Birkenhead, auctioneer—June 6, Egerton, Over, Cheshire, builder—June 8, Kirk, Nottingham, builder—June 7, Halliday and Pa- ton, Manchester, chemists—June 5, Scott, Manchester, boot-dealer—June 5, Kent, Abhbourn, draper.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or be,fore June 1. Workman, St. George's Place, Brixton. beer-shop-keeper—Perks, Redditch, needle- manufacturer—Adcock, Edward Street, St. Marylebone, working jewelle—Reynolds, Charterhouse Square, engraver—Mitchell, Cardiff, draper—Ready, Hounslow, builder— Ives, Wakefield, dyer—Allen, Walton, Norfolk, innkeeper—Fletcher, Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, coal-merchant—Evans jun. Liverpool, coach-builder.
Lett, Commercial Road, Lambeth, Umber-merchant; third div. of 31d. any Wed- nesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Totterdell and Gruchy, Portsea, woollen- drapers ; first div. of 5s. 3d. any Wednesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street—Rans- ford, Leamington Priors, coal-merchant ; first div. of 3s. 4d. any Thursday; Mr, Christie, Birmingham—J. and C.D. Matthews, Chipping Norton, bankers ; first div. of 7s. and a second div. of 3s. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham—Bale and Co. Rugely, Staffordshire, brewers ; first div. of 2s. 3d. and a second dn. of 2d. any Thurs- day ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham—GratrIx and Taverner, Nuneaton, silk-manufacturers ; first dlv. of 2s. 2d. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham—Broad, Bristol, timber- merchant; second div. of 6Id. together with the first div. of Is. I Id. upon new proofS, any Wednesday ;Mr, Muter, Bristol—Whitworth, Leeds, millwright ; first div. of 8.s.
any day ; Mr. Young, Leeds—Dent, Huddersfield, cloth-merchant; first div. on mine. quent proofir of 2s. 31d. any day ; Mr. Young, Leeds.
Forbes, Kinclaven, Perthshire, farmer, May 16, June 6—Williamson, Aberdet, cattle-dealer, May 16, Jane 6—Lore, Ardrishaig, Argyleshlre, fisherman, May 19, Jun; 9—Wllllams, Edinburgh, milliner, May 17, Jane 7.