12 MAY 1849, Page 2

" German" affairs are in the most blessed confusion. While

the unauthorized Assembly at Frankfort continues to grind edicts, —while Prussia is maturing her efforts for crushing the Imperial authority which she was so near accepting,—the governments and peoples in some of the minor states are at open warfare ; the people siding with the Frankfort Constitutionalists. The present focus of dissension is the Saxon capital ; whence the King has lied : Prussian contingents are marching to put down the Pro- visional Government at Dresden •; while reinforcements from Leipsig and other places are on their way to uphold the Con- stitutionalists; and the Frankfort Assembly continues to fulmi- nate proclamations to stir up the people. The Assembly has re- sorted to a cunning " dodge " : it promises the Imperial dignity to the most considerable German state that shall send deputies to the new Assembly.