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TEE Queen granted audiences on Wednesday to Lord John Russell, the Judge-Advocate-General, and Viscount Ponsonby.
Her Majesty gave a concert on Wednesday evening, at Buckingham Palace, to a party of about three hundred guests; among whom were the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Dutchess of Kent, and the Dutchess of Cam- bridge, Prince Leopold of Syracuse, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, and Prince William Hesse-Philippstabl. Last night, her Majesty gave an evening party, at which the Dutchess of Cambridge, with the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg, and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar and Prince William of Hesse-Philippstahl, were present. The Queen and Prince Albert attended the performances of Jenny Lind, at Her Majesty's Theatre, on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Prince Albert visited Earl Spencer, at his residence in St. James's Place, en Thursday; and also visited the Guards Club iu Pall Mall. He was present at the Horticultural show in Chiswick Gardens on Saturday. On Wednesday he laid the foundation of a new County Lunatic Asylum for Middlesex, at Colney Hatch. Yesterday he presided at a meeting of the Fine Arts Commission.
The Ditches of Kent visited the Queen Dowager on Monday and yes- terday; and on Monday received a visit from the Dutchese of Gloucester.