12 MAY 1849, Page 9


On the 2d May, at Roland's Castle, Hants, the Lady of Captain O'Callaghan, R.N., of a daughter.

On the 5th, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Lady Mary Hope Wallace, of a son.

On the 6th, at the Rectory, Bradfield, BerkS, the Wife of the Rev. Thomas Stevens, of a daughter.

On the 6th, in Eaton Place, the Lady of Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, of a son.

On the 6th, in Upper Southwick Street, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. R. G. Latham, M.D., W.R.S., of a son.

On the 8th, at Chester. the Lady of Sir Edward Walker, of a daughter.

On the 9th, Lady Armstrong, of a daughter.

On the 9th, at Rufford Hall, the Lady Arabella Hesketh, of a son.


On the Gth October, at Wellington, New Zealand, John Watson jun., Esq., of Bally- darton, county of Carlow, police-magistrate at Akaroa, Southern Island, N. Z., to Jane Crymes, youngest daughter of H. B. Shillibeer, of Taunton, civil engineer.

On the 6th November, at the Episcopalian Church, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand, Mr. J. Howard Wallace, merchant, to Sarah Ann, Relict of the late Mr. Avery Ben- ham, of Sydney, and second daughter of the late Robert Stanton, EM., Highbury, London.

On the 27th April, in Brighton Place, Portobello, near Edinburgh, the Hon. Stuart Erskine, son of the Earl of Buchan, to Agnes Graham, daughter of the late James Smith, Esq., of Craigend, Stirlingshire.

On the 3d May, at Compton, the Rev. Henry Shrubb, late Rector of Stratford Tony, Wilts, to Jane More, Widow of Major Wight, H.E.I.C.S., of Braybceuf, Surrey.

On the 5th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, George Hall, Esq., of Brighton, to Mary Isabella Viscountess Hood, daughter of the late Hon. Mrs. Stopford.

On the 8th, at All Souls', Langham Place, Robert Hay Murray, Esq., third son of the Bishop of Rochester, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Samuel Gregson, Esq., of Upper Harley Street.

On the 9th, at St. Bride's, Fleet Street, Desire Fiddle Genii', late Captain Elite Regi- ment of the Belgium Army, to Mary Julia, only daughter of the late Sir John Buchan Hepburn, Bart., of Smeaton, and Latham, Haddingtonshire.

On the 10th, at Dunsford, Charles Aldenburg, youngest son of the late Vice-Admiral and the Lady Frances Bentlnck, to Harriet, third surviving daughter of the late Baldwin Fulford, Esq., of Fulford, Devon.

On the 10th, at Billesdon, Leicestershire, Frederick Thomas Fowke, Esq., eldest son Of Sir Frederick Gustavus Fowke, Bart., of Lowesby Hall, Leicestershire, to Sarah Mary, youngest daughter of the late Henry Leigh Spencer, Esq., of Banstead Park, Surrey.


On the 2d April, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Watt Robe, commanding the Royal Engineers at St. John's, Newfoundland, second son of the late Colonel Sir W. Robe, K.T.S., and K.C.H., of the Royal Artillery ; In his 57th year.

On the 28th, at Guernsey, Sir Simon Naughton Clarke, Bart., of Oak Hill, East Bar- rett, Herta ; in his 31st year. On the 30th, at Vauvert, Guernsey, Anne, Widow of the pate Lieutenant-Genera -John James Barlow ; in her 79th year.

On the 1st May, at Witheote Hall, Leicestershire, Henry William Palmer, Esq., late Captain in her Majesty's Eighty-ninth Regiment. On the 3d, at Birmingham, the Hon. aad Right Rev. Edmond Knox, D.D., Lord Bish- op of Limerick ; in his 77th year.

On the 4th. Horace Twiss, EM., Senior Queen's Counsel and Vice-Chancellor of the Datchy of Lancaster; In his 63d year, On the 4th, at Lea Grottes, Geneva, Lieutenant-General Alexander Nesbitt ; In his 70th year.

On the 5th, at Barrowby Rectory, the Rev. J. Kendal ; In his.84th year.

On the 5th, In Lawrence Pountney Lane, Mr. Luke Hepworth, late of the South Sea House, in which service he was sixty-eight years ; in his 94th year.

On the 9th, at Brighton, Mrs. Greenhill, Relict of William Greenhill, Esq., late of East Ham ; in her 91st year.

On the 10th, In Eaton Place West, the Right Hon. Lady Margaret Marla Cocks, daughter of the late Esrl Somers ; in her 58th year.