New Bonds under certain conditions.
proved owing to the arrival in 'London of a Special Commissioner from that been rather dull, but is today a little higher. at 41 premium.
holders of the present issue will have the option of converting them into the effort support prices did not succeet until today, in consequence of The settlement in the latter was arranged on Monday. The Omnium has New York. The Solent for Brazil and Buenos Ayres took out 40,3651.
ness transacted was light : there has since been a recovery ; and Dutch Government, charged withproposals to the Committee of Spanish American Bondholders regarding the foreign debt. Danish has fallen 1 per cent. The rise in Turkish has been produced through an expectation of some financial measure, by which a guarantee will be offered by England and France on the remaining.2,000,0001. of the 5,000,000/. Six per Ciente, and that the to the news from Paris of the resignation of M. Drouyn de Lhuys, in part the altered features of the Comet account showing that the current of specu- lation had been latterly for the rise, and creating thereby a gradual increase Last week, no difference in price existed between the two accounts : there to the failure of a large operator, whose Stock, consisting of 300,0001. Consols to 3-16ths per oent in the rate of continuation to the subsequent settlement, touched 89, closing at 884 4, and 8/3/ for the settling of the 30th instant. has since been 4, but it has now subsided. The amount of Stock has been Four per Cents, Turkish, and Venezuela, are 1 better. The latter has im- and the closing of bargains by the less adventurous. The Account was arranged yesterday. Consols have been as low as 884; but today they have augmented by the payment in full of about 300,0001. on the New Loan. arrivals have comprised about 348,6001. from Australia, and 200,0001. from was succeeded on'Monday by a reaction of 4 per cent : it was ascribed in part and Omnium, had been thrown suddenly upon the market. An occasional Foreign Securities were heavy in the first of the week, and the busi- In the Corn-market there has been a slight decline. The gold and specie The improvement in the English Funds observable at the close of lust week, Railways have been rather steady, and purchases have increased, notwith- standing the gloomy appearance of Consols during the greater portion of the week. In some lines a slight improvement has taken place compared with last Saturday ; but the rally in the English Funds today has had no effect.
The Indian lines are still requeet, and in some cases higher rates have
The English Funds are firm this morning, at a alight improvement ; Con- sols for both Money and Account are 884 9. Exchequer Bills 6 8. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 119,8101. In Foreign Stocks there is great steadiness. Turkish is firm at the late im- provement, being 744 54. Railways are inactive, and no change has oc- curred—London, Brighton, and South Coast, 981 ; London and North- Western, 984; Midland, 69i; North-Eastern—Berwick, 72.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLomt.
The English Funds, after having been }higher, have returned to the opening quotations : Consols have been done at 895, and they leave off 881 9 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 6 8. Omnium has been dealt in at .4 1 premium. In Foreign Stocks, Swedish is better, closing at 88 92. Turkish has been done at 751 41 51 4, and Venezuela at 28 71.
In Railways there has been a disposition to purchase, which became less upon the alight reaction in Consols : upon the whole the market is con- sidered firm—Great Northern, 901; Ditto 'A Stock, 761; -Ditto l3 Stock, 124; -- --- Great Western, 641 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 784; London and Black- wall, 74 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 981; London and North- Western, 984; Manchester. Sheffield, and Lincolnisture 24}}; Midland, 69 ; North-Eastern--Berwick, 714; Oxford, Worcester, andWolverhampton, 27; South-Eastern, 60; Clydesdale Junction, 98 ; Preston and Wyre, 431 ; Aber- deen, 104; Great Northern 6 per Cent, '116; Great Western Convertible and Redeemable 44 per Cent, 971 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock, 136 ; North British, 981 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 74 ; East Indian, 244; Ditto Extension, 124 ; Great Western of Canada, 211; Great Luxem- bourg Constituted Shares, 14; Namur and Liege, (with interest,) 6; North- ern of France, 201. Shares late Charleroi and, Erquelines, 13 ; &lade, 2 prem. ; Western of France, 22 ; Zealand, 181. Mines—Brazilian Imperial, (issued at 61. prom.,) 21; Ditto Cocaes and Cuieba, 24; Santiago de Cuba, 6; United Mexican, 61. Joint Stook Banks—London Chartered Bank of Australia, 201; Ditto New, 44 ; London and County, 36 ; London and West- minster, 43}; Oriental Bank Corporation, 40; Union of London, 26. Miscel- laneous—South Australian Land, 374.
3 per Cent Consols ...... ...
Danish 3 per Cents 80 3 Ditto for Account 881 9 88 9 Dutch 24 per Cents 62 4 3 per Cent Reduced 87 8 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 3 New 3 per Cents 88 i Mexican 3 per Cents
204 1 Long Annuities Peruvian 44 per Cants
67 9 Bank Stock g9 11 Ditto 3 per Cents 47 9 Exchequer Bills 5 8 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock 229 31 Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents7 84 6 Ditto 44 per Cents 87 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Sparkish 3 per Cents
set 74
Belgian 44 per Cents 91 3ex d Ditto Deferred
rai i
Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 7 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 88 99
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victor's, cap. 83, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of Slay 1605. 15605 DEPARTMENT.
Notes Issued £28,911,030 Government Debt £11,015,100
Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 14,911,030 Silver Bullion £228,911,030 £20,911,030
Proprietors' Capital .C14,613,000
Rut 3,136,435
Public Deposits* 4,337,590 Other Deposits 13,846,861
Seven Day and other Bills— 1,090,638 £36,783,212 £35,783,212
• Including Exchequer,Savings-Banks, Commissionersof National Debt.g.Dlyidend Accts.- Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity). .C13,691,378 Other Securities 12,721,050
Notes 8,742.600
Gold and Silver Coin . 708,189