On„the 4th May, at Fetch= Rectory, Leatherhead, Ihe Wife of the Rev. E. Graham Mood: of a eon. On the 6th, at AldercarHall, the Wife of Charles Scott Jessop, Esq., of a daughter. On the 7th, at Berry. Hill, Notts, the Lady of Sir Edward Walker, of a daughter... On the 8th, at Chiddingfold Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. E. Banister, of a son. , On the 9th, at Colby House, Kensington, the Hod. Mrs. C. E. Petre, of a daughter.
On the 1st May, at Aura Church, Gloucestershire, James Charles Hill, Esq., of the Weldon Works, Monmouthshire, to Eliza Lucretia, eldest daughter of Henry Crawshay, Esq., of °attends Park, Gloucestershire. On the 8th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the lion. 'William J. Vernon, second son of Lord Vernon, to Miss Agnes Lucy Boileau, third daughter of Sir John Boileau.
On the 8th, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Henry Reginald, eldest son of Richard Corbet, Esq., of Adderley, Shropshire, to Anna Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P., of Colton Park, Cheshire. On the 8th, at Walcot Church, Bath, H. W. H. Coxe, Esq., of the Bengal Army, to Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Sibthorpe Cole, Rector of Ryther, Yorkshire. On the 8th, at the church of the united parishes of St. John Zachary and St. Ann and St. Agnes, London, Frank William Dundee, Esq., Third Middlesex Militia, to Sarah, second daughter of Major-General S. H. Williams, R.E. On the 8th, at Thorns, near Wakefield, the Rev. Fitzgerald Wintour, Vicar of Hampton, Notts, to Isabel, second daughter of J. Milnes Ceske11, Esq., M.P. On the 9th, at St. James's Church, Westboume Terrace, Slingsby, second son of Sir Richard Bethell, her Majesty's Solicitor-General, to Caroline, daughter of Wil- liam James Chaplin, Esq., M.P., of Hyde Park Gardens.
' On the 22d January, lost overboard by a heavy sea, on the passage from Manilla to London, Captain Arthur Smith, H.C.S., second sun-iving son of the late David Smith, Esq., of Arbroath.
On the 13th April, at Alexandria, of typhus fever, Lieutenant George Francis Aston, R.N., son of the Rev. F. Aston, Vicar of Northleach, Gloucestershire; in his 21st year. On the 28th, at Islington, Henry English, Esq., proprietor of the Mining Journal, and late of Mount Alton. near Dublin. F.R.G.S. of London, Dublin, and Paris, and associated with many of other learned bodies. On the 29th, at Priory Cottage, Cheltenham, Rear-Admiral Edward Lloyd, K.H., F.R.S.
On the 1st May, at Bath. Margaret. relict of General Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe, Bart. On the 1st, at Surbitoo Hill Lane, Eliza, eldest daughter of the late Sir John Conroy, Bart.
On the 2d. in Cockspur Street, Sir George Head ; in his 74th year. On the 4th, in Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, Mrs. Rebecca Colquhoun, relict of the late Major-General Farquharson, Governor of St. Lucia, and fourth daughter of the deceased Sir George L. A. Colquhoun Tilly-Colquhoun, Bart. On the 5th, in Bedford Square, the Right Hon. Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart.; in his 69th year. On the 5th, of smallpox, after vaccination, the Rev. Thomas Remington, M.A., of Aynsome, Lancashire, Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; in his 55th year. On the 5th, at Nitoo, Isle of Wight, the lion. Mrs. J. C. W. Vivian; in her 36th
On the 5th, in Upper Montagu Street, Rear-Admiral Christopher Strachy, Knight of St. Vladimir of Russia; in his 77th year. On the 5th. at Pau, in France, Charles R. L. Lawrence. Esq., late of Trinity Hall College, Cambridge, the third sou of the Rev. Alfred and Lady Emily Lawrence, of Sandhurst Rectory, Kent. On the 6th, at Northerwood, near Lynahurst, Hants, Mary Isabella, wife of Sir George Baker, Bart. ; in her 37th year. On the 7th, in Kensington Park Gardens, Francis Herder, Esq., F.A.S., F.G.S., of the Stock Exchange, formerly of the H.E.I.C.S.; in his 59th year. On the 7th. at Moreton Villa, near Brading, Isle of Wight, Mary Anne Lewis, daughter of Captain Maconoehie, R.N. On the 8th, in Park Street, Grosvenor Square. Jane, relict of the late Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., and sole issue of the late Charles Kerr, Esq., of the Island of Ahtigua.