BRITISH 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents.
Long Annuities Bank Stock,8 per Cent India Stock, 10i per Cent Exchequer Bills, 21d- per diem India Bonds, 4 per Cent UNDS. 8atard. (Closing onday 881 88/
209 — 5
83 11
Prices.) Tuesday 88 81 87 209 331 5 17 pm. Wanes Thera. Friday.
203 2301 8 091 Out
— 209 — 8 pm. —
87) 211 230
— 58I 87 8:1 8 3 230 8 14 FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian 5 p.Ct. —
Mexican 3 p.Ct.
21 Belgian 41 901 ex d.
New York 5 -
Ditto 24 —
Peruvian 41 -
09 Brazilian S 991
Portuguese a - Buenos Ayres 6
Chilian 6 Danish 5 -
Ditto a —
Russian 6 - Ditto 41 -
391 se es Ditto 3 - 81 Sardinian 6 -
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 63 Spanish 3 -
Ditto 4 92 Ditto New Deferred 3 -
French 3 - 68f. The. Ditto (Passive)
Ditto 44 - Turkish 0
74/ Massachusetts (Sterling)..6 - —
Venezuela 41 -
(Last Official Quotation liamw during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter —
81 Caledonian 691 British North American
Edinburgh and Glasgow ..
Eastern Counties
Commercial of London
301 Great Northern 904
London Chartd. Bak. of Australia
201 Great South. and West. Ireland
London Joint Stock. ..
Great Western ........... .. •
6.1 London and Westminster
431 Hull and Selby MG1 National of Inland
Lancashire and Yorkshire 76/ National Provincial
Lancaster and Carlisle — Oriental
London, Brighton, & South COW.
981 Provincial of Ireland
London and Blackwell
Union of Australia
691 London and North-Western 93 Union of London
20,1 London and South-Western Midland
581 6 MINES- Aria Win
21 Midland Great Western (Ireland) — Brazilian Imperial
North British 27/ Ditto (St. John del Rey)
32 North-Eastern-Berwick 711 Cobre Copper
561 North-Eastern-York 471
HisecLisra sous-
Oxford, \Vor. & Wolverhampton 26 Australian Agricultural
201 Scottish Central 981 Canada
South Eastern and Dover 60 Crystal Palace
General Steam
East and West India — Peel Riser Land and Mineral ...
21 London.... 991 Peninsular and Oriental Steam..
591 Bt. Katherine
— Royal Mail Steam
Victoria — South Australian
BULLION. Per ox. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold In Bars, Standard.. Ea 17 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes. £126 0 0 0 0 0 ForeignOold In Coln, Portugal Pcs 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh liars . ... 611 6 815 0 New Dollars 0 4 111 Lead, British Pig.... 22 10 0 .. 23 5 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 6 11 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 18 0 0 .. 18
10 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 11.
Wheat, R.N 75 to 79
Fine 82- 0 Old 0- 0 White 0- 0 Fine 0- 0
Super. N 86 -88
Rye 43 to 45 Barley 31 - 33 Malting 35- 0 Malt, Ord 65 -66 Fine 68- 0 Peas, Hog 38 - 40 Maple.... 39 to 41 White ... 44-46 Boilers ... 60-80 Beans, Ticks 40-42
Old 0- 9 Indian Corn 47 -50
Oats, Feed.. 26 to 27 Fine .. 28-29 Poland ... 29 -30 Fine .. 31- 31 Potato ... 30- 3I Fine .. 31-34 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. WEEKLY AVERAGE.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending May 5.
Wheat.... 68s. 7d. Rye 99s. 9d. Wheat 69,. 5d. Rye 36,. Od.
Barley .... 31 1 Beans 41 2 Barley al 3 Beans 41 7 Oats 25 8 Peas 38 5 Oats 26 0 Peas 38 7 FLOUR. PROVISIONS.
Town-made per sack 65c to 73r.
Butter-Best Fresh, 14s. (W. per dos.
Seconds 60 65
Carlow, 01. es. to 0/. 0.. per cwt.
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 0 - 0 Baron, Irish per ewe. 68s. to 72..
Norfolk and Stockton 52 63
Cheese, Cheshire 68 - 0
American per barrel 39 40 Derby, Plain 60 - 60 Canadian 39 45 Hams, York 80 -100
Bread, 71(1. to 101d. the 41b. loaf.
Eggs, French, per 120, Os. rid. to 08.0d.
ATE END LEADENBALL.• s. d. a. d. r. d. rr d. a. d. r. 4.
Bran or Cams
81.11111rIELD. AT
Reef... 2 10 to 3 6 to 4 0 .... 3 4 to 4
4 to 4
Mutton 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 4 ....
0 - 4
8 - 5 2 Beasts - 873 4.496 Veal ..
3 0 - 4 0 - 4
6 .... 4
2 - 4
8-6 2 Sheep . 5,9t0 26,470 Pork .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 .... 4 0 - 4 2-4
Calves.. 439 175 Lamb.. 5 0 - 5 8-8 0 .... 6
4 - 6 0-8
9 Pigs ... 360 360 • To sink the offal, per 81b.
260s. to 290r. Down & half-bred Hogs per lb. 10d. to 04. 0 - 0 Wether and Ewe 10 -111
200 - 220 Leicester Hogget and Welber 0 - 111 0 Skin Combing 10 - 0 HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
195.. to 114,- 90s. to 92s 96s. to 105s. 60 - 95 50 60 40 - 80
0 0 0 — 0 0 — o
.. 118 - 128 112 - 115 116 - 126
30 34 24 - 28 26 - 30
Tea, Souchong, fine, per lb. 1.. 24. to 24.64. Canaria, fine 1 7 - 2 4 Pekoe, flowery 1 6 - 3 6
In Road-Duty la 6d. perlb. Coffee, fine (In bond) cwt. 65s. Od. to 90a. Od.
Good Ordinary 49s. Od. - 61s. Oa. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. 20s. 84. West India Molasses. ... 17.. MC to lia.
Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw OILS, COALS, CANDLES.
Rape 011 per ewe. £1 12 6 Relined 2 16 0 Linseed Oil 1 18 6 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 16 0 0 Candles, per dozen Os. Od. to 0.. Od.
Moulds, per dozen ils. Od. to Or. Pd.
Coals, Helton 19.. Od.
Tees 191. td.