12 MAY 1860, Page 20


At the time of the private view of the works executed by-the students of this school, we accidentally omitted the notice which was due ; which we regret the more since excellence of many of the drawings exhibited is a proof that the school may work well. Some of the studies of flowers from nature are truthful and highly finished. Attracting especial notice are a small group of chrysanthemums, a wild rose, most delicately rendered, and a bunch of wallflowers in a jug; and very good also are a group of fruit and still life in chalk, intended as a study of light and shade, and large head in sepia from the round. Among the designs are some very pretty borders for book covers, and a carpet with passion flowers and lilies conventionally treated in a manner which showed talent and ingenuity, although it is rather too intricate and minute a pattern for the intended purpose. Many other drawings are deserving of notice ; and we are sincerely glad to learn that the students have this year more than maintained the high reputation of the school. Twenty-six medals have been awarded to them thirty being the highest number allowed to any one school ; and seventeen of these medal draw- ings have been forwarded for national competition. Eight students have obtained free studentships, and twenty-eight have received prizes of hooks, instruments, &c.

It is a pleasure to be able to report so satisfactorily on the progress of the school, at a time when its very existence is endangered by the with- drawal of the Government grant, which, has hitherto so largely contri- buted to its maintenance. Those persons who visited the recent exhibi- tion, and witnessed the results of the careful and conscientious method of study that is carried on here, must be impressed with the desire to aid in continuing the Institution • the great loss that would accrue to numbers, should its doors be closed for want of funds ; and the advantages of the Instruction afforded are obvious. One of the crying wants of the day is "female employment : " here is a sort of training, which, not only fits women for specific employments, but materially contributes to render the faculties generally, of hand, eye, and head, sharper, more accurate, and confident.