The general impression seems to be that the more moderate
of the Tory party are satisfied with the Redistribution of Seats Bill, and will be likely to secede if any attempt is made to overthrow the Government on this point. Sir Stafford Northcote, however, who is usually to be found amongst the most moderate, has declared against it unequivocally. He charges the Government with artfully selecting the boroughs that are to lose seats so as to endanger more Tory than Liberal seats, and complains that "that dear Tavistock "—the Duke of Bedford's borough— is left with two members still. Tavistock is just above Mr. Gladstone's limit of population, namely, 8,000, — but no doubt the Tories will think that the limit was chosen pre- cisely in order to save Tavistock. The general opinion seems, however, to be that the fight will turn on the change of the 71. borough franchise to one of 81.,—on which the Government are pretty sure to be defeated, and the only question is whether they will accept the defeat. We trust not. The Government would disgrace itself by abandoning the only change which tends to effedt the purpose for which Reform is demanded. To cling to power at such a sacrifice, would be ultimately to lose both power and character.