12 MAY 1917, Page 13


rro THE EDITOE Or THE "SPECTATOR.") Six,—It seems to me that the terrier mentioned in the letter of your correspondent "0. K. I. de B." in the Spectator of April 28th was familiar with the sound of the seven strokes of the clock, and paid no heed to the difference in time between it and the sun. Is the following at all analogous? Some years ago I was visiting at a house where the pet dog (a spaniel, if I remember rightly) always retired under a sofa at the signal for family prayers, and remained there quite quietly until prayer was ended and " Amen " said, but immediately on that word being said the dog rushed from his resting-place and gave a series of loud barks. One morning the portion of Scripture read included verse 20 of 2 Corinthians, chap. i., in which " Amen " occurs, and as soon as that word was uttered in the course of the reading out rushed the dog, giving his accustomed series of loud barks as if prayer was ended. Was he an attentive or an inattentive listener all along, or was it merely a very strange coincidence?—I am,