£500 A YEAR rtrossITEns.—In Paynter's System of Poultry Raising (Country
Life, 3s. Gd. net) the author is chiefly concerned to help those people, "of whom there are thousands now nnd will be many more after the war," who have a certain amount of capital and wish to become small-holders or occupiers of land. Experiments made by him have proved that " one man, with the help of one boy or girl, can turn out from £1;600 to £1,700 worth of eggs per year,. representing approximately from 250,000 to 300,000 eggs. The land required would be five acres per year, the capital for plant and live stock from £600 to £700, and he should make a profit of about £500- per year." [That is of course a conclusion which will be fiercely, nay, bitterly, challenged, as based on pro-war data, and we give notice that we cannot open our columns to any discussion of the-subject.] In addition to-detailed information for small-holders of this category, Mr. Paynter gives some useful advice to those who wish to undertake poultry-keeping on a less ambitious scale.