On Saturday last Mr. Balfour addressed Congress at Washington. This
was the first time in history that an Englishman had- spoken before theTfouse of Representatives, and we are glad,. but not sur- prised, to-learn that he was received with enthusiasm and that his address was regarded -as worthy of a unique and memorable occasion. Mr. -Balfour said that while the members of the Mission were sensible of the "rare and valued honour " conferred- on.them, to none of thorn could it come home so closely as to himself—who had been for forty-three years in the servioe.of another free Assembly. The British House of. Commons and the House of Representatives were the greatest and oldest of the free Assemblies now governing the great :nations - of the world. Their. origins .and ..history were different, but each of them represented the great democratic principle to -which wo looked forward as security. for the peace of the world.