The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Walsh, on Tuesday
amplified his position-by a very remarkable letter, in which he says that the question may be asked " why a number of us Irish Bishops, Catholic and Protestant, have thought itworth while to sign a protest , against the partitioning of Ireland." The Archbishop goes on to inveigh in the strongest possible terms against partition, " whether in its naked deformity or-under the -transparent,nuesk of ' county option,' " and expresses his belief that this policy holds - at the
present time a leading place in practical politics. He adds a characteristic postscript to the following effeet-t- " I think it a duty to write this-dalthoughl.rann information that
has reached me, bean fairly4se.tisfied that the mischief has tikaatly- been done and that the _country zis:practically sold."