12 MAY 1923, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sia,—Your correspondent, " Americans," states that no- where in town is there, to his knowledge, a bookshop where one can actually see American books, and suggests that such a bookshop should be started. May we be permitted to point out that the bookshop desired already exists in our American bookshop, and has existed for more than thirty years—for the last twenty-eight years at the present address. We deal exclusively in the publications of all American publishers, and keep a large selection of standard and current American books in all departments of literature. The Poems of Emily Dickinson, which your correspondent wanted and could not find, he would have found on our shelves.—I am, Sir, &c.,


22 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. 2.

[We have shown this letter to " Americanus." He replies that he went to Mr. Bird's shop last week and asked for The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Mr. Bird, however, merely offered to procure them for him in about three weeks' time. He says also that Mr. Bird was unaware that Mr. H. L. Mencken had issued a third series of his Prejudices in America about six months ago.—ED. Spectator.]