AMBITION. By Arthur Train. (Scribners. $2.50.) This well-known, American author,
whose High Winds we reviewed favourably last year, gives us another vividly colOured, but essentially convincing, study of smart society in modern New York. Simon Kent, whose early struggles at School and college are well described, grows up with a passion for Law in the abstract and promises to become a 'great legal writer. But his attachment to a keen, up-to-date firm of fisetitioners, and his Marriage with the pretty but vulgar and snobbish Clarice Hungerford, threaten to divert his Career into paths' Of mere " success " and popularity. In the end, however, Clarice's overreaching ambition recoils upon itself. The easy, natural flow of Mr. Train's narrative carries us pleasantly along, and,' though his purpose is to expose the superficiality and selfishness of a certain type of modern woman, his characters never degenerate into puppets. The scenes of legal life deserve special praiie.