General Knowledge, Questions
Questions on Hats' and Head-sear
Ova weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss Todd, Soberton, Hants, for the following :— 1. Who were the milliners who " would not sell their caps and ribbons to anyone without a pedigree " ?
2. Who wrote, " Up and with my wife to church, it being Whit- sunday ;- my wife verrfine-in a new yellow bird's-eye hood, as the fashion is nciw " 11–
3. To 'What form of head-dress does Rosalind refer to in Love's Labour Lost when she says, " Well, better wits have" worn plain statute caps "-? 4. Why did one of Mr, Austin Dobson's intended odes turn into a sonnet I • 5. Who was the firet"English King to wear a " closed crown," one with two arches ? •
6. Who wrote, " The maidens have bound silver .snoods about their hair,' with golden spangles and pendant flames (fiammen), that is, sparkrui&bair drops.;• but of their mother's head-gear who shill speak?"•
7. What is the meaning of the expression, " To have a Green Bonnet " ?
B. Who made a wideawake hat, which he dyed, with cochineal and polished with shark's skin ?
9. What is the Cap of Maintenance ? 10, Who wore " A Cremosin coronet With' Damask roses and Diodilhes set, " and who described it ?
11. What was the Bonnet, Rouge, and what was its shape ? 12. How did the dandies in-the reign of Xing Richard. HI. carry
their hatiwberi .they were not-wearing them ? — .-
" 13. 'Who wrote, "'Er petticoat was yeller an' little cap was green," and to whom did he refer ?
Answers will be found on page 745.