The latest volume of The Official History of Australia in
the iYar. of 1914-1918 (Vol, K... The _Australians at Rabaul. ,By S. S. Mackenzie. Sidney : Angus and Robertson ; London : the British Australasian) gives a detailed account of the occupation of New Britain and Nauru or Ocean Island. There was very little fighting, as the Australian naval con- tingent surprised and overwhelmed the - Germans. Tho wireless stations at Rabaul and Nauru might have been useful to the German Pacific squadron, and the occupation was thus of value. Mr. Mackenzie describes at length tit work of the military administration throughout the War and up to the establishment of the Mandate system. Incidentally he adds much to our knowledge of New Britain and of the phosphate rocks of Nauru, whose native inhabitantis have nothing to do but draw their royalties on the precious deposits which imported coolies work. The book is well illustrated with photographs, maps, and plans.
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