Financial Notes
FINANCIAL Ac-rivrrms.
THERE is every appearance of the month of May being characterized by great activity in finance. Notwithstanding firm money rates on the other side of the Atlantic, the con- ditions in Lombard Street continue to be fairly easy and the position of the Bank continues to gain in strength as regards the gold reserve. Moreover, whether tested by the acquire- ment of existing securities on the Stock Exchange or by the power to absorb the large issues of capital which are being made almost every day, the investment resources of the country appear to be very. large. During the past week interest has again centred in the industrial groups where Gramophones have soared to fresh heights on rumours of some impending fusion scheme, while artificial silk shares have been active and strong and a further feature has been provided by the strength of Marconi's Wireless and Cable Companies' shares on reports of some official statement with regard to the new merger company and some arrangement with the Post Office.
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