Country Life
Sometimes the beauty of England quite overwhelms one ; and this year the green vitality of the country seems to have penetrated into the heart of the towns. There have been nightingales in Portman Square and, of course, at Kew, which is always a sort of epitome of the country. Young wild duck peep out from the bushes beside the lake and the croon of the wood-pigeons is wholly persuasive as it floats down from the fine trees in St. James's Park. How English are the green spaces between the trunks ! In one respect the " purple patches "are more English than usual. AU the tulips, massed closely and in broad belts, are English grown, illustrating the extension of a more or less new industry, that begins to make South Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire more and more like Holland. You feel that you are in the same valley, and the
hallow scoop of the North Sea that intervenes is no more than an accident.