Pure Water One other task is before the Preservers of
England. The " Friends of the Lakes " (whose friendship is very jealous) are not a little disturbed by the emulsification, so to say, of one, at any rate, of the streams that run down into Ullswater. The streams become a drain for waste products from the mines. It is not alleged that the white fluid is poisonous ; but that it changes the pellucid nature of stream and lake, and that stream and lake are too precious and too fair to become drain and cesspool. Ullswater itself is a Lady of the Lakes, lovely beyond compare ; and the lakes in general are the most precious part of Britain, not only from their own native wildness and grandeur, but because they lie close to the most thickly inhabited part of the island. The workers " whom towns immure " have an incomparable holiday-ground at their back-doors.