12 MAY 1950, Page 15


Set by Mervyn Horder A journey up Regent Street at lunch-time these days, either on foot or in a vehicle, is full of incident, bizarre, colourful, hazardous —the very stuff of travellers' tales. A prize of f5, which may be divided, is offered for not more than 200 words of prose describing such a journey as undertaken professionally by any one of the following writers : Charles M. Doughty, H. M. Tomlinson, Sacheverell Sitwell, Peter Fleming, Herodotus (anglice please), Godfrey Wynn or the scriptwriter of an American travelogue.

Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received not later than May 19th. The results will be published in the Spectator of May 26th.