FIRE IN Cow Cam LANE.—A fire broke out in this
street on Monday, which, we regret, has been attended with loss of life ; three cases are now beyond doubt. Mr. Palmer, the master of St. Sepulchre's Workhouse With-
out, in Sharp's Alley, was on the spot soon after the alarm was given, and assisted to rescue eight persons, whom he conveyed to the workhouse in their night clothes only. Strong doubts are yet entertained as to the fate of a family of the name of Hollyhock, consisting of father and mother, and two boys, one thirteen and the other four years of age ; it is feared that they are buried in the ruins, as they are not to be found. There were a number of lodgers in kr. Hughes's house, and their escape was attended with great difficulty. Between three and four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, the flames broke out afresh in White Horse Alley, at the
hack of the ruins, which for a while threatened destruction to the surround- ing buildings, especially Messrs. Chipperfield and Crow's timber-yards. Owing, however, to the exertions of the firemen, the flames were aeain subdued. 'The walls of the two houses that were occupied by Mr. Hughes and Mrs. Black, and of another joining on the left of the former, are in a most dangerous state. Some idea may be formed of the rapidity of the flames, from one fact—Mrs. Black, a widow, and baker, of the adjoining house to Mr. Hughes, having hastened down stairs with what property she could carry, in her fright left the cash-box on the shop- counter; after quitting the house a few minutes, she bethought, herself of the cash-box, and returned for it ; but it was too late, the interior of the shop being enveloped in flames. In clearing out the rubbish of the fire yesterday morning, the trunk of a human being was found, so dis- figured, that it was impossible to ascertain whether it was the.„remains of a man or a woman.
INCENDIARY FIRES.—On Saturday morning (the 20th ult.) about fur o'clock, a rick of barley, on a farm called Snooks, in the occupation of Mr. William Harvey, two miles from the town, was discovered to be on fire. A reward of 1001. has been offered for the apprehension of the perpetrator of this diabolical outrage.—Hampshire Chronicle.
About midnight on 'Wednesday last week, a large rick of clover hay, standing on the premises of Mr. Young, of Mitchelmersh farm, was discovered to be in a blaze, and was totally consumed before the flames could be extinguished.—Ibid.
On Friday, the best bed-room in the house of the Rev. Mr. Rankin, at Brislington, near Bristol, was discovered to be on fire. It was happily got under without much injury. No doubt remains of its having been he act of an incendiary. A rick of hay and an outhouse, the property of Mr. Lennard, of Pot. terne, near Devizes, were on Wednesday night set on fire by an incen- diary and entirely consumed.—Salisbury Journal. This morning, between three and four o'clock, Newport was alarmed by the cry of " Fire !" It proved to he a rick of hay stacked in a void piece of ground, in Lanarth Street, nearly in the centre of the town The hay was the property of Mr. Gregory, an innkeeper. There cannot be a doubt but it was set on fire by the hand of an incendiary.—Letter from Newport, Monmouth, Nov. 4. On Wednesday evening last week, between seven and eight o'clock, a fire broke out in a wheat-stack, upon the premises of Mr. George Bailey of Great Witchinham. It contained the produce of sixteen acres of wheat, and there is no doubt but that it was fired by an incendiary.— Mercury. MORE FIRES.—On Thursday evening, a fire was discovered in the ex- tensive premises of Messrs. Beam and Sons, tinmen, Queen Street, Cheapside. From the nature of the stock, the fire burnt with great fury, and at least half an hour elapsed before any adequate means could be obtained to arrest it. There was a most abundant supply of water; but so rapid had been the progress of the flames, that before the engines could be brought to bear upon the burnine' mass, the fire had communicated to the houses in the rear of Messrs. Beeton's house, and one of them was already burnt down. At great risk, some men, by means of ladders, obtained an entrance into the second floor of Messrs. Beeton's, and saved much property. The fire was confined to the upper part of Messrs. Beeton's house, as far as regarded the front, but the rear is in ruins. It commenced at Messrs. Balmanno's, the East India packers and merchants, next door to Messrs. Beeton's. The whole of the rear of Messrs. Balmanno's premises is also destroyed. The premises occupied by the City Dispensary and the City of London Truss Society, next door to Messrs. Beeton's, have escaped. Several houses at the back are partially damaged, and die house next to Mr. Balmanno's is injured. The loss altogether is estimated at from 8,0001. to 10,0001. The activity of the firemen was great ; but Mr. Balmanno's house was roofed with copper, which not giving way, as slates or tiles would have done, prevented the water from making way to the burning mass be- neath. By half-past seven o'clock the fire was got under; no one was hurt.
On Saturday night, about eleven o'clock, a fire was observed on the ]and of Mr. Abraham Culy, of Guyhirn, in the parish of Wisbech, which consumed a straw-stack, and the principal part of a thrashing-machine. ■ --Cambridge Chronicle.
On Sunday morning, about one o'clock, a fire was discovered in the extensive woollen manufactory of Mr. John Ntissey, called Carlinghow New Mill, at Batley ; the steam-engine and the fulling machinery at one end of the building were preserved, but the remainder was destroyed. The damage is estimated at from eight to ten thousand pounds. A letter from Nottingham, dated Nov. 4, says :—At Plumtree and Nor- manton, only six miles hence, not less than six fires have been kindled by incendiaries since the affray in Nottingham, the last of which was last night, Nov. 3, on the property of the Rev. Mr. Burnside, who had before greatly suffered in the same way.—Leeds Intelligencer.
Two fires happened on the night of the 2d instant, in the neighbour hood of Romsey ; one at Mr. Newman's farm at Lee, by a rick of' second- cut hay, stacked in too green a state, having ignited in several parts.. About two hours afterwards, a messenger arrived from Mitchelmersh, with the intelligence that a rick of Mr. James Young's was on fire. Near to the hay-rick were several corn-ricks, the dwelling-house and a number of out-buildings ; but by a constant supply of wet cloths to the corn-ricks, and the timely arrival of two engines from Lee, a distance of nearly seven miles, the valuable stock on this farm was preserved.-..- Dorset Chronicle.
Five stacks of barley and two of beans, together with an adjoining hovel, the property of Mr. Richard Butler, a respectable farmer of Radcliffe, about four miles from Bingham, were totally consumed.—Lin- cola Mercury.
On Wednesday evening, the 2d instant, about six o'clock, a fire broke out in the stackyard belonging to Mrs. Mitchinson, a poor widow woman, at Haceby, near Falkingham, which consumed a straw-stack, and a large stack of oats, containing about sixty quarters.—Stanford Mercury.
On Friday night, a barn belonging to Mr. Gilbert, farmer, at Barsby, near Melton Mowbray, was wilfully set on fire and destroyed. On Sunday afternoon, between four and five o'clock, a barn and a stack of oats were discovered to be on fire on the premises of Mr. Black, of Ashby Folville, near Melton ; they also were completely destroyed. And on Monday night several stacks of corn were fired and consumed at Sea- grave, in the same neighbourhood.—Lincoln Mercury.