The Janet, Rodgers, from the Clyde to Bombay, put back on the 3rd instant, with toss of false keel, having been an the Black water Bank.
Arrived-At Portsmouth, on the Silt, II. C. Sloop of War, Coote, Pepper, from Anjier. with despatches from China. At St. Relents Sept. 16th, Edward, Gilbert, from Mauritius ; 17th, Universe, Duthie. from Bombay. At Bombay, June 17th, H. C. Ship Gen. Kyd, Nairn, from London. At Anjier, July 17th, H. C. Ship Waterloo, Blakely; 21st, H. C. Ship Doke of .York, Locke f• Inglis, Dudman ; and subsequently the Scalehy Castle, Hillman ; all from London to China. Sailed. From Gravesend, Nov. 5th, Portland, Ascough, for New South Wales ; Mb, Forth, Robinson. for Van Diemen's Land. From Liverpool, Gth, Alexander, Green. for. New South Wales; leeni, Lacy, for Singapore; Statesman, Quillon, for
Rombeiy ; and Diana, Lipper, for the Cape. .