12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 12


The Janet, Rodgers, from the Clyde to Bombay, put back on the 3rd instant, with toss of false keel, having been an the Black water Bank.

Arrived-At Portsmouth, on the Silt, II. C. Sloop of War, Coote, Pepper, from Anjier. with despatches from China. At St. Relents Sept. 16th, Edward, Gilbert, from Mauritius ; 17th, Universe, Duthie. from Bombay. At Bombay, June 17th, H. C. Ship Gen. Kyd, Nairn, from London. At Anjier, July 17th, H. C. Ship Waterloo, Blakely; 21st, H. C. Ship Doke of .York, Locke f• Inglis, Dudman ; and subsequently the Scalehy Castle, Hillman ; all from London to China. Sailed. From Gravesend, Nov. 5th, Portland, Ascough, for New South Wales ; Mb, Forth, Robinson. for Van Diemen's Land. From Liverpool, Gth, Alexander, Green. for. New South Wales; leeni, Lacy, for Singapore; Statesman, Quillon, for

Rombeiy ; and Diana, Lipper, for the Cape. .