THE Useeue CLasses.—We mentioned last week, in terms of strong
deprecation, an intended meeting, at White Conduit Fields, of a parcel of persons who have chosen to call themselves " the useful classes," but whose only utility seems to consist in wandering from one meeting to another, to produce division by abusing the King's English. Having received a hint from authority on Saturday, that the attempt to assemble "with clubs concealed under their coats," was looked on by the Govern- ment authorities as savouring of sedition, and would be treated accord. ingly, the Council, as it is called, came to a resolution to postpone the meeting. A few of the more ardent spirits were extremely indignant at this resolution of the Council, and blustered about assembling in spite of it ; but when the time came, their courage failed them, About We br COO people assembled in front of White Conduit House, on Monday; and the number, from the stoppage of loiterers which the place and the Jay can at any time supply, might be swelled, by one o'clock, to 1,000. /When twelve o'clock had come and gone, and no committee appeared, a bgentleman of the of useful" school made a speech, from one of the hil- sias in the field, to the rabble round him : he declared his intention of aatting Mr. Cleave and his coadjutors in all time coming. The pelting of the rain and the peroration of the speech came opportunely together aa disperse the mob ; and by three o'clock it was no more. Every pre- paration was made, both of civil and military force, to disperse the assembly, had any ventured to meet notwithstanding the warning aisen. The meeting has produced a controversy between the Times and site Standard. The former denies that there was any danger, because the means of stippres-oimt were overwhelming; the latter says the aggre- gation of such over wl ielming means of suppression proves that there was iger and are the measure :of it, and hereupon accuses the Times of bad re:eaming. We agree with the Standard, that the Government was in ,fanger from the meeting—and so is the Marquis of Westminster in itanger, \Odle his snuff-bill remains undischarged : the Government caight be overturned by Henry Hunt's handful of blackguards—and the 3larquis might be sent to the Fleet for fifty shillings; but it is not very likely that either attempt would be made, and it is even less likely !that it would be successful.