the alai - odic On Wednesday the 9th, the new Lord Mayor,
Alderman Kelly, was sworn in at Westminster Hall, with the usual ceremony. We did riot observe that Lord Denman especially instructed his Lordship on the subject of turnpike-tolls and the impropriety of "diddling" toll-keepers, but a hint to that effect would not have been thrown away upon Alderman Kelly. The procession from Guildhall was as splendid as usual, arid was enlivened by a painted wooden figure of "Jim Crow," drawn in a cart. In the evening, there was a grand dinner at the Guildhall, attended by Lord Melbourne, Lord Cottenham, Mr. Hume, Mr. Grote, Mr. Crawford, Mr. W. Cowper, Sir Philip Durham, and Sir Rufane Donkin. The health of Ministers was well received ; and LordMelbourne, in a brief reply, con- gratulated himself and the company on having one day in the year sa- cred from the intrusion of party politics.