A large steam-engine boiler, in Bateman's Buildings, Dean's Gate, Manchester,
burst on Saturday morning, killing two men and wounding three dangerously. The noise of the explosion was tremendous.
The spire of Christ Church, Doncaster, was struck by lightning on Thursday week, and almost entirely destroyed.
The Duke of Rutland takes an active part as Chairman of the Grant- ham Poor-law Union. On one occasion when his Grace visited the Workhouse, he asked some of the inmates if they were satisfied with the care taken of them. "No," said one ; "the food's bad." "The food's bad ? " said the Duke ; " what is it that is bad—the meat ?" "No." "The potatoes ?" "No; they give us no spice to our soup !" "Is that all you have to complain of?" " Yes." His Grace, it need scarcely be added, left the Workhouse perfectly satisfied. —Doncaster Gazette.