Several fires are mentioned as having occurred about the country
lately ; and some of them are " suspected" of being the result of incen- aatism. It is, however, a common trick of the peony-a-line reporter, to-throw the spicy hint into his paragraph about the " devouring ele- inesiti'l that it is " suspected to be the work of an incendiary." How- ever, a haystack belonging to Messrs. Marshall and Sons, at Stockport, bad a hole so drilled at each corner as to leave no doubt that it had purposely been set on fire. A worse case of the kind was the blowing up of a Mr. Dyson's scithe-grinding-mill, at Abbey Dale, reported in the Sheffield Iris of this day. A barrel supposed to contain 100 pounds of gunpow der was placed in the mill and fired early on Monday morning, and the building was quite destroyed. There is a union among the grinders, who threatento "serve oat" any master who employs men not belonging to the Union : Mr. Dyson employs two such.