On the 1st November, at Langtou Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. ROBERT FARQUHAR- SON, or a daughter.
On the 3d, at Shirley House, near Southampton, the Lady of Lieut.-General Stamm, C.B., of a sou.
On the 5th. at the Vicarage, Huish Episcopi, Somerset, the Lady of the Rev. E. P. lizraft.ows. of a daughter. Oo the 511i, at Thrham Park. Barnet, the Hon. Mrs. TROTTER, of a son. On the 6th, at Leicester, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT BAIINABY, of St. George's. of a son.
Ou the 7th, at Ridlington, Norfolk, the Lady of the Rev. Jerrie WEBB PLAVELL, of A son.
On the 7th, in Upper Grosvenor Street, the Countess of Hormeonovott, of a daughter. On the 9th. at Kensington, the Lady of the Rev. BERKELEY Anursow, of a daughter. On the 16th, at Leamington. the Wife of the Rev. J. LINCOLN GALTorr, of a son.
MARRIAGES. On the 17th October, at Malta, at the Palace Chapel. CHARLES RICHARDSON JOHNSON, Lieutenant R N., to JULIA, daughter of Major General Bredin, Royal Artillery.
On the 26th. the Rev. OLIVES. KEOUGH. Curate of St. John's, 'Blackburn, to GER-
TRUDE, youngest daughter of the Rev. Robert Hall, Rector of Westborough and Dud- dingier]. Lincolnshire.
Ou 2d Nos-ember, at St. Mary's. Lancaster, EDMUND WILLIAM Waxer( PASSY.
Esq., Captain in her Majesty's Fifty-sixth Regiment, to CATHERINE Hamer, youngest daughter of the late Right Honourable Lord Chief Justice Dallas. On the 3d. at St. Peter's, JOHN THANT, Esq., of Dover, nephew of Lords Clare, Ba- nally. Glengall, and Westmeath. to SABAH Soma, second daughter or sir Henry Ro- bert Carden, Hart., of the Prior). Templemore.
On the 3d, at Tynan Church. County of Armagh. Captain WILLIAM Berrnear Af•Crarr- Tom, 8.N., second son of John M'Clitdock, Esq.. or Drumear, County of Louth, to PAULINE, second daughter of Sir James M. Strange. Bart.. of Tynan Abbey.
On the 4th, at St. Peter's, Canterbury, T. H. Muria, Esq.. only son of the late
Lieutenant Frazer. R.N., to EMMA, youngest daughter of the Rev. J. P.n./arms. Reeler of the above parish, and niece of the Bishop of Australia.
Ou the 8th. at Sunning Hill. GEORGE ASIIHURNER. Esq., of Calcutta, to KATHARINE, eldest daughter of the late Michie Forbes, Esq., of Sillwood Park, Berke, and Cri. mond, Aberdeenshire.
On the 9th, at Scarborough. the Rev. Thames WILUAM ROBSON, M.A., eldest son of Thomas Robson, Esq., of Holtby Hall, York. to ANNE, daughter of the late. James Stewart. Esq.. of Newton Stewart. County of Tyrone, Ireland.
On the 10th, at Cookham, Berkshire, FREDERICK HOARE, Esq.. to ANN latarms JANE, daughter of John Towers, Esq., of Pinkuey's Green.
On the 16th August. at Ferozepore, Hasse MILL= TRAVERS, Lieutenant Eighth Regiment Ben,Tal Native Infantry, attached to the First Light Infantry battalion, third n of Ben;amin Travers, Esq.. of Bruton Street ; in his 26th year.
On the 5th November, at his house in Whitehall Place, Sir JOHN Cams. Knight, the Judge of the Court of Review ; in his 74th year. On the 5th, at Mount Grove, Hampstead. MARY, Widow of the late Thomas Norton Longman, Esq.
On the 6th, at The Views, Huntiugdonshire, Vice-Admiral Sir RICHARD Heart Hussar. K.C.B., G.C.M.G.
Oa the 6th, at Great Chart, Kent. the Rev. THOMAS Wares. D.C.L., Rector of that place, for many years Chaplain to his Royal Highness the late Duke of Gloucester; in his 69th year. On the 7th. at Bitten, Gloucestershire, CATHERINE, Relict of Robert Barker, Esg.,the inventor of the Panorama; in her 98th year. On the 8th. at ColtishallIlall. Norfolk, the Rev. JAMES WARD, D.D.. formerly Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, and Senior Chaplain at the Presidency of Bengal; in his 76th year.