other professional men. But the book before us professes to
be Lectures on Butler's Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course designed for unlearned andunprofessional men. In this view, while we of Nature. By the Right Hon. Joseph Napier, LL.D. (Hodges, cordially admit that oven as it stands it is a valuable book and worth Smith, and Co.)—The remarkable part of these lectures is that they having, it has not been kept severely to the end in view. In a new were delivered by an Irish ex-Chancellor to a Young Men's Christian edition every Latin word for which there is an equally good or even Association. Butler is made his own principal commentator," which. approximate Saxon word should be carefully expunged all the way is perhaps a good plan for the purpose of the student for whom this through. Whole pages of the book require to be re-written entirely. book is intended, but does not tend to attract the general reader. On When this is done, and as the successive editions are moulded according the whole, a commentary which is at least as long as the text on which to experience, which should be earnestly solicited, we trust this cheer- it comments is a mistake, and to tell the truth Mr. Napier is dull even. ful " Dictionary" may in every respect become what in many respects for a commentator.
it already is—a really useful work.