students of French. of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. (W.
J. Johnson.)—Every one The Art Journal. November. (J. S. Virtue.)—The engraving of seems agreed as to the evils of the patent system, but reformers seem the month is from Turner's " Cologne," not the famous painting, but an to forget that it was introduced as a romody for other evils.even still early drawing in the collection of Mr. Wiudus of Tottenham. This Mr greater. Tho abolition of patents would compel every inventor to do Wilhnoro has rendered with his accustomed softness and finish. Mr. his utmost to conceal his discoveries. Nor does it excite our sympathy Arneytago is, we think,less fortunate than his brothorongraverin his sub- with manufacturers to be told that by subscribing to carry on law-snits ject, " The. Gleaner," by Mr. Poole, who is much too dainty a gleaner for they can generally wear out the inventor, or at least compel him to sell her shabby dress and bare feet. G. Fontana's statue of "The Genius of his patent to a capitalist, so that he never reaps any substantial advan- Commerce" is well rendered by Mr. Baker, but looks more like a Cupid. tago from it. Besides, if it is hard on the manufacturer to be obliged In literature we note an evidently well-considered paper on fresco- to pay a royalty for the use of an invention which every foreigner can painting as applied to the decoration of architecture, and a curious use gratis, he can use foreign patents gratis. Mr. Macfie proposes that notice of the secular clergy of the middle ages, illustrated with wood- the public shall have the right to buy patents at a price • to be assessed cuts of costume copied from illuminated manuscripts. The number is by a jury, or—which he would prefer—should always buy them after up to, but perhaps not above, the average merits of the Art Journal, they have been published throe years. We do not think the ChanZellor