The penalties on Souteneurs and Madames and the whole race of traffickers generally should be made more severe than they are. The Report traces quite clearly the connexion between the traffic and licensed houses : where these have been abolished the traffic slackens. The Report states that State regulation has been abolished in Czecho-Slovakia, in Latvia, in Poland, in the Netherlands, in Cuba, in Belgium. This year at Geneva the delegates for Germany and Hungary and Austria stated that licensed houses were already, or were about to be, abolished ; and Japan announced that in certain provinces they were already suppressed. In Great Britain and the Dominions of the British Empire and the United States of America they are not tolerated.
These facts are heartening, but there is still a great revolution to - be effected in legislative and administrative practice. Without the help of the League of Nations the problem can never be effectively tackled, for International co-operation is a necessity. EDITH LYTTELTON.