[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.'
Sin,My attention has been called to a review, in your issue of OctOber 15th, of Mr. Donald Carswell's book Brother Scots. An that review are mentioned the charges which were made against my uncle, the late Lord Overtoun, concerning the Shawfield works.
May. I say that Mr. Carswell himself (on page 209 of his book) refers to Lord Overtoun as having had no personal knowledge of the circumstances, and points out that " once his attention was publicly directed to the state of matters, no time was lost in effecting improved conditions at Shaw- field ".; adding that " the same results might have been secured, without either scandal or offence, by means of a courteous and private communication " ?
As there is no mention of this side of the case in your review, I hope that, with the habitual fairness of the Spectator, you will insert this letter, in justice to the memory of one who died nearly twenty years ago, and whose widow is still