12 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 56


From the correspondence which reaches me there can be no question as to the anxiety which is felt with regard to the growth in the National Expenditure and the poor prospects held out by the Chancellor of any immediate drastic economies. Naturally enough, anxiety is the more pronounced because of general recognition of the fact that this year the National Finances are being helped out on the Revenue side from sources which it will be impossible to tap a second time. One correspondent draws my attention to the fact that while those who defend the present size of the National Expenditure dwell upon the many causes of expansion, nothing is said with regard to the automatic saving under the head of War Pensions, resulting from the fewer number of recipients, and the advance in the age of War orphans. Yet this saving even during the past four years appears to have amounted to about £10,000,000, in spite of which fact, however, the annual expenditure of the country as a whole has increased by over £40,000,0001

A. W. K: