The Nesting Nightjar A discussion has been in progress over
the nesting habit of that attractive bird, the nightjar (whose song incidentally has been admirably recorded for the gramophone). The bird stays in England a very short time. It would hardly have time to bring up two broods if the ordinary methods were followed. Hence a hew habit has been developed. The hen goes off to start the second brood very soon after, the first is hatched, leaving the care of the first brood to the cock. The discovery was made by a' German aviculturist. What I have not seen mentioned in the course of the discussion is that complete confirmation was secured a few years ago by that very ardent school 'of obServers and bird photographeri at the naval college at Dirtmouth. The nocturnal habits of the bird make it peculiarly difficult to observe or to photograph. How perfectly named the bird is ! No bird (or egg) is harder to find by day ; but at night it will keep you awake by jarring " continuously within a few yards of your window.' At any rate it has done this in a Sussex cottage. On the subject of Sussex cottages and other gems of that lovely county, the county magazine has issued a very charming citlendar, singularly eloquent of the proper beauties of Sussex.
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