12 OCTOBER 1844, Page 2

Those who take active interest in the "world" of Church

affairs have just undergone a paroxysm of agitation, occasioned by the election of a Vice-Chancellor for Oxford University. Dr. SYMONS was nominated by the Chancellor as a matter of routine : the followers of Dr. PUSEY objected to him, that he favoured the Suspension of that reverend gentleman without trial ; and they de- termined to attempt the innovation of resisting his election : but, on coming to the vote, they were defeated by an overwhelming Majority. At first sight, the vote seems to test the strength of the Several parties in the Church ; but whether it really did so may be doubted. Moderate men of any party would shrink from so " ex- treme " a measure as that resorted to by the Ultra-Tractarians ; whose leaders, too, have shown a disposition to make their way as quietly as possible—by mining rather than by storming.