Lady Heytesbury has sunk under the painful malady that seized her so soon after her arrival in Ireland—gastritis. Her Ladyship was at- tended in her last moments by her husband, Captain A'Court, M.P. for Tumworth, her brother-in-law, Mr. A'Court Holmes, M.P., Miss A'Court, her daughter, and Mrs. Pennett, her sister. She was the se- cond daughter of the Honourable William Henry Bouverie, and nearly related to the Earl of Radnor.
There are rumours that Lord Heytesbury will probably resign, in consequence of this calamity ; and, absurdly enough, that Lord Ellen- borough may succeed to him!
Mr. O'Connell is fairly ensconced in his country home. Two days he stopped with a party at the house of his relative and agent, Mr. John Primrose ; and thence he hunted his way to the Abbey, with the beagles; the people coming in boats from Berehaven and Bantry Bay to welcome him, and many of the neighbouring gentry calling to pay their respects.
At the meeting of the Repeal Association, on Monday, Mr. Maurice O'Connell reported the Liberator to be in "excellent health and spirits." The rent was declared to be 6311.
At Ballioasloe fair, the price of sheep has been o a the advance ; partly in consequence of a slightly limited supply, much pasture-land having been laid under the plough. The horse-fair has been well attended: the cattle were very fine ; and the demand was good, at high prices, for the best hunters and for heavy draught horses ; indifferent beasts going off rather slowly.
The Law-officers of the Crown have instructed the Magistrates of Colliustown to use their own discretion as to the informations against certain persons, for riotously demolishing part of a house built by Lord Westmeath's tenant across the path to a Roman Catholic chapel at Fowre. The Magistrates have declined to receive the informations; leaving the Marquis of Westmeath to prefer bills of indictment at the Quarter-Sessions, if he should please.
Some unknown persons at Limerick have bored holes in the bottoms of ships about to put to sea : three Welch vessels were thus scuttled- A public meeting was held, the Mayor presiding ; and Mr. Steele, in a very solemn mauner, exhorted the people of Limerick to purge them- selves of the disgrace ; which he declared to he a more momentous duty than the support of Repeal itself. The proceedings, conducted in a very lugubrious manner, without cheers, terminated in a resolution to offer 51. for the discovery of the offenders. The Corporation have offered a reward of 1751. Four men have been arrested on suspicion ; three have been released on their own recognizances, and one has been remanded.