The Revenue-tables just published are like certain puzzles of folded
paper, which will convert into a variety of objects. Re- garded in an annual point of view, it appears that they exhibit in increase of 645,0001. ; but in a quarterly point of view, they make out a decrease of 289,0001. So that the nation should laugh on .the annual side of its countenance, and cry on the quarterly. A more remarkable incident is the fact, that the quarterly decrease is only not " more satisfactory' than the annual increase. If we con- sider the absence of the cholera panic which imparted a flourishing abundance to the rum and brandy duties, it is qttite delightful to find the decrease in the Customs only 10001. or so ' • for although tho duties in question have fallen off to the extent of 200,0001., sugar, tea, tobacco, raisins, currants, and other articles, have rallied bravely; which attests the national prosperity : for how can there be an increase of consumption in plum-buns, mince-pies, &c., without a decided piogress of the nation ? The deficit of 184,0001. in Excise is ascribed by the explanatory Globe to the remission of the brick- duties, about 240,000/., besides return of duties on stooks to the amount of 23,000/. ; leaving the Excise decrease a virtual in- crease. In like manner, the decrease of 179,0001. on stamps is accounted for by the fact that people have not bought stamps ; which is probably true : it is presumed that they waited for the operation of Sir Charles Wood's law ; and then it will be explained that the decrease of duty will account for any further decrease of revenue. All of which is very delightful: for if there is a de- crease, it shows that the country is saving something, in its per- sonal capacity, for duties remitted ; and if there is an increase, it shows that the nation is under a flourishing disregard of expense ; and the current tables show both. Perhaps the most surprising fact of all is the immense importance made out of these little ba- lancinga of increase and decrease. However, it is a charming oir- cumstance to find the revenue always as well as can be expected.